I have the homelink on my 2006 since Sept. Until last week I could open the garage door while coming up to the house and still in the street. Now I have to be in the driveway and almost at the door. I have checked and the antennae is hanging and not obstructed. Anyone have any idea why the range is cut in half? Also is there a way to measure this so I can determine if the homelink is bad. I have programmed two buttons with the same door and have the issue with both.
hmm, not sure. My 05 still works fine and I can have the garage fully opened by the time I reach the door as I drive up/down the alley.
I have noticed a varying Homelink range. Usually, I can open the garage door right after turning onto my street. Sporadically, I may have to cut the distance in half to get it to work. I blame it on the weather
Homelink works on the 288 to 399MHz frequency band, and some units go to 418MHz. I suspect some local RF interference, though I don't know what could be the cause. Wireiess networking is at the 2.4GHz band, so that isn't it.
I too have noticed a less than expected range, and a diminished range for my homelink garage door opener. Perhaps the Patriot Act or broad domestic wiretapping without judicial oversight is the cause. Yahtzee!
It appears there are also several mobile radio services that may operate in the 300MHz band, which could account for occasional interference. There's a rather good chart at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/osmhome/allochrt.pdf
Programming "Homelink" to open my garage door took 3 efforts... the instructions are quite specific. Took similar tries to get the backup buzzer turned off. I had been accustomed to merely 'touching' the button my my 'clip on' opener control, but found that for 'Homelink' to work consistently I need to hold down the button for ½ to 1 second [until the indication light 'flashes']. Seems to work from about 150'.
Yes I always have to hold the button for about a second. I just have to hold it after turning in the driveway now. However today was much clearer than the past two weeks and it actually worked as I was turning in so I am starting to think that the weather with homelink is much diffferent than the weather with a remote transmitter.