Hi All, My car does not beep when locking/unlocking with the remote. The hazzard light blinks indicating that it is locked. Checked the Autel scanner and it shows that the buzzer is enabled. Where is the Wireless door lock buzzer located? Is that behind the glove box or in the wheel well (saw a posting in Gen 3 about this - Door Lock/Unlock beep doesn't sound (and isn't disabled in settings) | PriusChat). Gen 2 have it a different location ? From a pdf file i have, it shows that behind the glove box. Did any one replaced this?
No I think most people would be ecstatic that it stopped. That must be under the dash pads and behind the glove box so like behind the piece of plastic in the glove box where the SRS yellow plug is so you might have to take the dash top off to get to that buzzer which I've had the dash top off a few times had I known the buzzer was there I would have cut it while I had it off I thought there was another one also under the driver side front fender somewhere above the coolant heat storage tank but I'm not positive when I did replace my CM monitor display I remove the speaker and beeper off the back of it and that generation too is pretty much dead silent all the time.
i got used to all the other cars making sound when locking. This one i have to look back for the lights to blink. Does it sound like a whistle in the Avalon models or a real honk like the Honda? I never heard it in a Prius before. So to fix it, i have to remove the top dash and check it?
I have an '05 with the whole dash out of the car I need to go look and see if what you're talking about is there I thought what you're talking about would be external and I thought it was on the driver side up above the coolant heat storage tank It's a little speaker looking thing hold on a minute I'll find one and take a picture of it I didn't think it was inside of the car because then you wouldn't hear it very well on the outside of the car I don't think it's the horn that honks the little thing that beeps that lets you know you've pushed the button on the remote for the doors go off see I don't do that I push the door lock button while I'm getting out of the car The remotes in my pocket and has been all day it's an SKS system so the remote never has to come out of my pocket when I walk up to the car and extend my hand the door unlocks there's no need to ever touch the remote here and you beat see any lights flash I'm not losing the car in parking lots yet
So I just went out and looked at the 05 parts car on the right side of the car behind the glove box and the computers right up against the sheet metal underneath the little window there is a black box it looks like a receiver for the door unlocking SKS remote sensing something but it's not a speaker I doubt this thing buzzes or beeps or anything else so it looks like over on the right of the car behind the glove box other than a sensing box I don't think there's any noise makers beepers piazo electric tweeters whatever. It should be the same through 09 so no I wouldn't remove the dash top to do anything back there at this point If anything it would be the little silly piezo looking tweeter like assembly under the left front fender It clips into a piece of plastic when you flip it over it looks like a little super tweeter I usually take them off my car and throw them in a bucket I'm not interested in the noise or telling everybody where my car is
They probably find a real sneaky place to hide it given all us folk who will destroy them if we seem them!
The 'buzzer' that makes beeps when the hazard light flashes is the same as the one that sounds the buzzer for 10 seconds if the door is not completely closed and the transmitter LOCK switch is pressed. Does that one work? As far as I'm aware the 'buzzer' is located behind the wheel liner up in the wheel well above the CHRS tank. There again I could be misremembering and it could be in the RH fender well.
Yes it looks like a little speaker through the little cutouts of what looks like a grill you can see silver like it's the center of a pioneer speaker that does all the high notes and it's in a black plastic housing and it says buzzer or speaker or something on the black and silver or black and red label that's a fix to it and usually it'll just be hanging there when you have that fender liner out because it's come out of its little hole that it pushes in and just by stretching the cord the way it bent you'll see where it fits I usually unplug this and throw it in the glove box on all four of mine they're all laying in the glove box and then the other beeper buzzer nonsensical thing that you have is directly behind the CM monitor display or your heads up display or your speedometer on the back of it is the thing that beeps and makes a racket whenever the ABS goes funky the seat belts not buttoned or clipped and various other things in one of my cars that the CM monitor has been changed for the Texas hybrid unit I removed this speaker with my needle nose upon installation of the new piece. So that car makes absolutely no noise ever on the planet except when the horn honks. It's very nice and deadly quiet at all times I do appreciate that very much and that's the other CM monitors go We will take care of that too.
Thank you all.. Also found that panic button on remote, does nothing. No sound. another problem to tackle
I will check it and update. The one above CHRS tank, thats what i saw on Gen 3 forum. Could be at the same place.
My generation two's have this speaker little thingy where you're saying the generation 3 people say it is I don't have a generation 3 that far apart to go look but I think it was that way on the persona I had the fender liner out of that car I think it still is and I believe that little speaker thing is in its glove box just for that reason The horn not beeping I think that can be turned off with the Toyota software so you can basically have the panic turned off I think because some places it's more of a nuisance than it is anything else
Circling back to this post, I wanted to check with you that you saw 2 PIDs that relate to lock/unlock feedback on your Autel scan tool. The one you mentioned was the visual one that blinks the indicators is called HAZARD ANS BACK (Hazard answer-back for wireless door lock operation) in the hand-held tester and Hazard Answer Back in Techstream. The audio feedback is called WIRLS BUZZ OPER (Buzzer answer-back for wireless door lock operation) in the hand-held tester and Wireless Buzzer Resp in Techstream. Do you see both of these in your Autel scan tool? The second one is the one that needs to be ON for it to sound when you lock/unlock the doors. (Mine is set to OFF as I don't want it making any sound.)
I think an autelncan do with Toyoda option selected and m series 808 or above or tablet scanners from this company
From Autel scanner. Can't find wireless buzz oper option. Also see the attached pdf with all the options..
The two options relevant to this discussion are: 17 – Hazard answer back ----> On 39 – Wireless buzzer resp ---> On They are both set on, so it seems the buzzer is inoperative.
That's what i thought so. Was checking the hybrid battery.. also see attached pdf.. Cell 12,13 and 14 looks weak? original battery..
Doesn't seem worthy of discussion yet I mean they look a little low and? You could do some cycling and discharge and recharge and all that business if you want but if you don't have the stuff to do it you'll have to live with it take the car out and really drive it make it charge put your foot in it for a little bit that sort of thing A lot of these cars never get driven man they're always putzed around you know going 18 mph and 35 mph zones that sort of thing so they tend to not get charged a lot and all that sort of thing because no one's paying attention to that till something comes on on the dashboard. And you're autel app looks just like mine so it must be the same one they use in most of the scanners when it's hooked up for Toyota