AB 2628, Assemblymember Pavley's bill to allow usage of the HOV lanes by Hybrids that are SULEV or AT-PZEV and get at least 45 MPG (rated), again passed the California Assembly today, 8/26 after a vote to accept the amendments added in the Senate which had passed it 8/24. Gov. Schwartzenegger is expected to sign the Bill into law in early September. Federal legislation is required to allow it to go into affect January 1. Watch for further word on efforts to get this done!
When "he" gets done it will only allow Hummers in the HOV lane and then only if there is a single driver and no passengers.
Governor Arnold is actually quite middle of the road politically. It is only because he is a Governor in California does he look like he is very conservative. He ticks-off both the far right and far left equally. Mark my word - he WILL sign this bill.
How to Register Does anyone know how to register a Prius so that it is one of the 75,000 (or is it 50,000? Doesn't matter) hybrid vehicles that will be able to use the carpool lanes in Calif? Thanks! [email protected]
A moderate republican? God I thought they were extinct. It would be nice to see that species recover it's self, that and the even more rare liberal republican.
Having grown up in the suburbs of New York City, the Democrats that I see run for office here in Idaho (and lose to boot!!!) look more like moderate Republicans to me. Democratic candidates, as I know them are an extinct species here.
You cannot register with the DMV until 1. the bill is signed by the Governator and then 2. The feds allow it (this one will be harder). CA DMV link for Clean Air vehicles such as battery only" http://www.dmv.ca.gov/forms/reg/reg1000.htm
Can someone explain why the Feds must first "allow" this proposal to go forward in California when Hybrids ARE allowed in HOV lanes in other states like VA already?
Arnold might use the bill to rename the HOV lane from "High Occupancy Vehicle Lane " to "Hummer Only Vehicle Lane"
Maybe VA already got permission? Probably has to do with the fact that some of these are Interstates, partially (or fully) paid for by Federal funds.
Does anyone know how the emissions of the Prius (AT-PZEV) stack up against the LPG and CNG vehicles that pass the ILEV or SULEV standards?
http://www.fueleconomy.gov/ Has lists of cars and their emissions, etc. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/current.shtml Definitions of AT PZEV, SULEV: http://www.driveclean.ca.gov/en/gv/drivecl...ssionrating.asp ZEV Zero Emission Vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions and are 98% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. AT PZEV Advanced Technology PZEVs meet SULEV tailpipe emission standards, have a 15 year / 150,000 mile warranty, have zero evaporative emissions and include advanced technology components. For example, a plug-in hybrid or a compressed natural gas vehicle would qualify in this category. PZEV Partial Zero Emission Vehicles meet SULEV tailpipe emission standards, have a 15 year / 150,000 mile warranty and have zero evaporative emissions. SULEV Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicles are 90% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. ULEV Ultra Low Emission Vehicles are 50% cleaner than the average new 2003 model year vehicle. LEV Low Emission Vehicles are the least stringent emission standard for all new cars sold in California in 2004 and beyond. NOTE ON TRUCKS, VANS AND SUVS: In 1998, the California Air Resources Board extended the passenger car emission standards to heavier sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks (with gross vehicle weight up to 8,500 pounds), which formerly had been regulated under less stringent emission standards (LEV I). The new regulations (LEV II) provide a transition period between 2004 and 2007 for manufacturers to meet the new standards for trucks, vans and SUVs. Consequently, a portion of the large vehicle fleet will meet less stringent emission standards (LEV I) until 2008. For the consumer this means that until 2008, larger vehicles with, for example, a SULEV emissions rating could pollute up to ten times more than a passenger vehicle with that same rating.
According to the fuel economy comparisons, the emissions for the LPG and CNG cars that are currently allowed in the HOV lanes are not any better than the Prius plus they have more carbon emissions. If they're going to allow those cars in the HOV lanes, I don't see why they would keep the Prius out. It also looks like the the emissions on the Ford Escape hybrid are pretty clean as well, even if the MPG is not as good as the Prius. It meets the SULEV and PZEV standards.