Anyone had any success removing the yellow haze on the climate control screen? It’s so bad I can barely see what’s being displayed under. Google search mostly mentioned using salon care 40, put in the bag and leave the item in the sun. Obviously I can’t put the screen in the bag but maybe put Saran Wrap over it and park in the sun. Any better ideas? thx
So this is really on the exterior of the plastic of the screen I mean I would think that whole panel wouldn't be the worse very much I see them at the junkyard somewhat I've never pulled one and taken it up to the counter with my other stuff and the ones I see in the junkyard look relatively clear the two that I have here are clear that's really strange I would think of buffing wheel on your Dremel and any of that headlight cleaner one step type of paste should probably get it I don't mean sanding and all that just the McGuire's Plasti X and use the white buffing pad on your Dremel not too fast and keep it wet and just go over the whole thing real good then wipe it with a sponge and see what you're looking like I would think you should be able to do this little screen fairly quickly
The sun is was made it turn yellow, don't put it in the sun. Try some mothers aluminum polish. I've used it on the head lamp lenses. And other plastic on old meters and radios. Rub it on with your finger in a circular patern than us a micro fiber cloth to clean it off. Not 100% guarenteed to clear it up, but shouldn't hurt it.
Thx for the advices. I tried Mother’s plastic cleaner earlier, just rubbing with micro fiber cloth and I was able to see everything displayed under, but it was night time. Day time may be a different result. While cleaning, looking closer, the green tint looked like it’s under the plastic though. Seems Toyota intentionally added color to the background, not sure how the green tint became so obstructive
Well in Southern California USA from the Midwest all the way out to you you should be able to find thousands of Prius climate control panels for nearly nothing We got to realize these cars aren't getting kept on the road they're getting taken off so there's always that there's a lot more in the salvage yards seemingly then there are on the roads of the generation 3 or it may be a toss-up pretty close even Steven the same amount have been blowed up and wrecked and taken off the road that are probably left or however you want to look at it or just keep cleaning.
If any manufacturer’d go back to a dash design like this, I’d be very interested. The cost-cutting “display” nonsense is bricking cars.