This is the part that allows you to access the battery ground strap under your headlight It makes the battery really easy to remove without having to try and remove the 10 mm nut on the battery terminal because it's oriented sideways here you just stick your 10 mm socket on a 6-in quarter drive extension and apply the ratchet remove the bolt drop it in the battery well then undo the positive terminal and the plugs and lift the battery out leave the bolt in the well until you get back with the new battery so you know where the bolt is Just remember to pick it up before you set the battery in the well so you don't have to pick the battery up again while you're in the battery well you want to push out the rubber plugs so water doesn't sit in the battery well if you have a winter and freeze
A big spiel that does not answer the question asked. LOL. What's missing is the rear light cluster bulb access cover. Although it is removable, as it is attached via studs, it looks like the cover and the board are one part. The part is called No. 3 Rear Floor Board. The part numbers are: 58490-47020-A1 IVORY, TRIM0# (08/2003 - 11/2005) 58490-47020-B1 MD.GRAY, TRIM1# (08/2003 - 11/2005) 58490-47020-B1 MD.GRAY, TRIM1# (11/2005 - 03/2009) 58490-47020-E0 GREGE, TRIM4# (11/2005 - 03/2009) You should probably call around local wreckers/dismantlers and get one in good condition that matches your trim colour. It looks like this: Front : Back: The number you see stamped on the back is a manufacturing number, not a part number even though the format of this number is the same as used for part numbers. Very confusing to the uninitiated.
I have a whole bunch of them in all colors It doesn't matter what the name is that's what it does that is there for you to access the ground strap from your battery look in the hole That's why it was added there because you can't get a wrench easily on the top terminal of the negative post of the battery when it's mounted correctly You remove the battery with the negative cable on it and undo the point that it attaches to the body frame which that little panel allows you access to You see how it slides on with the little holes that's what it does I don't care what the name of it is when you go to the junkyard you can retrieve yourself four or five or six of them if it's something you lose regularly If you have things rolling around in your trunk when you have the spare tire cover lid in place like a screwdriver it'll roll right down that hole and you might be looking for it for a while with that plastic piece there it covers that hole obviously Long winded or not that's what it does and you shouldn't be looking to buy one you'd be looking to get them for nothing they're trash once they're at the tow lot or the salvage yard I doubt any dealer will have this in stock The car lot with the Prius in the back that they're not going to fix will.
My reply was to the OP who will care what it is called, seeing as that was the question asked. I wasn't suggesting the OP buy one from the dealer. If you read my post properly you would see I suggested the OP get one from the wrecker. It is up to the OP to negotiate whether money changes hands as they are in the UK. Not everywhere is as utopian as in your area of NC.
Yes every place is Utopian like that once you know that's all that's about I can go to Oregon and find plenty of places similar Utopias just the cars might not be in as good a shape that's all
Get in touch bud if you need all the informations in my profile should be about 50 of those things around here let me know what color you need probably have it in a day or two right to your door No no charge this isn't about money