A few days ago, the air conditioning wasn't cooling properly, and the central control touchscreen also wasn't responding correctly; half of the screen was unresponsive. I went to a repair shop and replaced the coolant pump, and now the air conditioning is working, but the touchscreen is still unresponsive. The A/C button is greyed out and can't be selected to turn on or off individually. The only way to control the A/C is through the AUTO button on the steering wheel, which turns on the A/C along with it. How can I fix the touchscreen issue?
So what you're saying is is when you select air conditioning by pushing the auto button on the steering wheel all of a sudden the red line comes over the AC button and is no longer grayed out on the MFD which is the display? This is important at this time then you also see a number in the display for the temperature on the MFD which is not in the picture now so those two things magically appear You have a number for the temperature and you now have a non-grade out yellow line above the air conditioning square that is not that way in the current picture? Seems to me the MFD may not be at fault and you are getting cold air coming out the vents when you do this steering wheel air conditioning button pushing? Cold air as in air conditioned cold air not just the fan came on?
Maybe reboot the touch screen? I don't remember exactly how that's done in gen 2. Probably holding one of the (physical) buttons > 5 seconds, but which one?
Does the A/C system report any codes (other than B1421/21)? You can get the two-digit code by a button pressing sequence (advanced search is your friend) or a capable scanner tool that will read the A/C ECU.