Need to drill 1/4" inch (??) hole into small chrome tube --- only through one side. Saw lots of online suggestions but what if I took a worm gear hose clamp and fastened around tube and then slip the bit between the "slit" in the clamp to hold bit on place as I start to drill? kris
Use one of these to get started: Center Punch - Automatic Center Punch with Brass Handle Then drill a tiny pilot hole, then expand to 1/4 inch drill bit. Or skip the pilot hole if you're feeling brave...
That tube will bounce around like a mexican jumping bean on a pogo stick. What's inside diameter? Can you get a dowel rod to match and put inside so you can clamp it down without distorting the tube? No matter what, I still think a punch to start the hole is the best idea. Use a drill press, not a handheld drill, and anchor the tube so it can't bounce around.
I'd use a Dremel with a burr tip to grind a depression in the place where you want to drill the hole and drill it out with a clean cutting step bit like a Unibit. A Unibit will cut a clean round hole in thin metal,
why not flatten the hose clamp on a tabletop, make a punch and drill a hole through the clamp, then put the clamp around the tube and use it as a guide? still want to anchor the tube, and I like the dowel idea.
A small, pilot hole will set the direction and location. Than larger bits as needed to finish. Second alternative, now you can justify that drill press and clamps. <GRINS> Bob Wilson
Use a nail. Larger is better. The point will work better anyway. Just be careful. Depending on wall thickness, even a good sized wood screw or drywall screw can be a good substitute. As mentioned, be careful, they're pointy! Chrome plated tubes can be slippery for a bit to grab, so DO NOT let your fingers or hands be near the bit when applying pressure. Safety first! I've seen too many knuckleheads put drill bits and driver bits into fingers and hands.
Now you've done gone and done it. I'm stumped ... How did you drill a hole in a small chrome plated tube?
you need a small piece of angle iron type material. drill through from the inside, then place it over the tube and use the pilot hole