What do you think about transmission "Flush" with syringe. Im thinking to suck the bottom fluid out from the draining hole with syringe. Would it be safe to do it that way? Is there something need to be conserned?
How are you going to properly refill it? What if you can't get the fill plug off? Do you know what a "drain plug" is? Why would you have to suck it out with a syringe? How big is this syringe? It would need to be able to move 4L of ATF in one go, so you can get that drain plug back onto place without losing too much ATF. FYI; a proper flush would involve disconnecting the ATF cooling lines from the radiator. ATF going into the radiator gets dumped into a can, the new stuff goes back to the transmission on the return line. There's no good reason to flush this transmission, it's a planetary gear style.- so most of it's wear happens during break-in.
Agree with the post above. OP, you're over complicating a simple drain and fill operation. It's very similar to an oil change. Open fill plug, remove drain plug and let gravity do its thing. Replace drain plug, and fill the transaxle either with a funnel and tube, or you can use your syringe. SM-G781V ?
Technically I used a set of ramps and 2 jackstands and a lift. Definitely, not fitting under without. The car needs to be level so lifting just the front wont work. IMO - put the syringe away for some other use. Going off memory: 4 Quarts ATF - WS small flat head for splash shield 10mm socket for splash shield Fluid Pump - I found one on amazon that fits a a quart wide mouth ATF bottle that I love. Torx 10mm Extensions and ratchet After leveling: 1. Remove undercover splash shield. 2. loosen upper fill bolt (if totally removed a little fluid will start coming out) 3. loosen lower drain bolt - have an a larger pan then you think because fluid may hit a nearby black support and the fluid empties fast. 4. tighten up lower bolt after draining (don't recall torque specs) 5. pump in ATF till it starts coming out the top fill hole - should be more than 3 quarts but less then 4. (3 and 3/4) 6. tighten up top fill bolt Be sure you know which bolts your loosening since the inverter coolant bolt is nearby and similar looking. Brush up on some youtube videos - I referenced the nutz about bolts video.