Got the fluid changed out today and it all took an hour to do with all the bleeding. I did not see them use the OBD port or disconnect the 12v at all. They sucked out the reservoir first then started bleeding the right rear, then left rear and then right front and left front. No ABS lights on or any issues. All done for $69.99 plus tax for a total of $70.94 First picture zoomed in is the old fluid and second picture is the new fluid.
Wow and that's in a California generation 3 no kidding My brake fluid here in North Carolina in the two generation threes that are permanently parked so far The fluid is almost water clear and both of these cars have one at 2:46 and the other 396 I thought this far along in the year models this newer.4 and later brake fluid doesn't eat the seals and turn black or get dark because it's eating the seals or whatever it was doing in the old days.
It looks like you have the correct title to the thread, but then you used the word "bleeding" in the first sentence. There is a difference between a brake fluid bleeding and brake fluid replacement. Brake fluid bleeding requires a scan tool. Brake fluid replacement doesn't require a scan tool. Pep Boys did a brake fluid replacement for you, not a brake fluid bleed.
Dear Brian1954 Simply changing the fluid like you are saying is not a complete fluid change. They have to bleed each corner to remove all the fluid and any air in the system. If it was that simple, I would have done it myself with a turkey baster and refilled it.
Sorry, it's been a long day, and I did not write post #2 very well. I agree that a scan tool is not needed to do a brake fluid change/flush/replacement like Pep Boys did for you. A scan tool is needed if the brake actuator and/or the brake pump is replaced so that all the air can be bled by cycling all the individual ABS valves that are located in the brake actuator. Sorry if I made things more confusing for someone with my post #2.