Any one know whether the TOYOTA Prius V AUX USB INPUT PORT P/N 86190-48030 installed in the lower front console has an integral fuse or fusible link? Not getting power or connectivity to head unit. Thanks.
No fuses likely but you could ohm out the wires. I give it 95% no internal fuse as Toyota and everyone else typically current limits usb charging power. It appears half of the wires go to the ext box and the other half go to the head unit.
Thanks. Guess I need to break it down again. In your photo, which connector goes to the console USB module?
First, I assume your car originally was cabled for a 57011 head unit with an ext module. So the cabling should be the same. But there is one cable that could go to the head unit or the extension module. Here are some pics of the wiring. Note the cable in between the two boxes. And a pdf on how to add an ext module
Yes, a 57011, on which I swapped out a failed YY050 extension box for a known working (and does, on APPS, MAPS, NAV, BLUETOOTH) and replaced all existing harnesses as were, but no USB connectivity or power before or after. Which is the USB harness in your photo of the backs of the Siamesed units? Thanks .