Tried to use my Prime cable to charge a friends Mach E that was visiting. Kept blinking on and off. Didn't seem to like the Ford Still works fine on mine, just thought I could give a friend some juice over night. Didn't see any threads specifically discussing this, but curious if anyone else has come across it. I assumed a standard J1772 should charge anything that takes that same receptacle. This was off 120V needless to say... Thanks for any thoughts on if this is standard, and if best to let sleeping dogs lie or if it's the sort of thing one can make a calculated decision to somehow over-ride (like using extension cord or using standard plug on 220V with adapter).
Yes, their OEM charger works. My OEM charger works. But my Toyota OEM charger did not work on his Ford. Light was blinking and it would click... never seen it do that before (normally clicks once when I plug it into mine, but this was repeating like a boot loop). I don't see any reason why it shouldn't charge... after all, that's the idea of a standardized plug. But I seem to have run against OEMs not playing nice in the sandbox (perhaps to avoid liability possibilities).
GM used to have this issue and a bit of “pressure “ made them offer a software update. my volt still has a “cycling “ issue on certain L2 EVSEs which makes charging very slow.
Been wondering that too in hindsight. Not sure that's a think on a BEV Mach E, but I'll try to confirm. Way light on charger module kept flickering on, off , on, off makes me think that was not the issue. Anyone else tried charging another EV using their OEM cord? Make/model success or failure?
The black brick has a hand-shake protocol built-in. It was probably telling the Mach-e that it's limited to 12A draw and the Mach-e wouldn't respond or the Toyota cord sensed a ground issue exceeding it's parameters. I've plugged my charger into a Leaf without issue. You can troubleshoot by watching the blink codes on the black brick. Hope this helps...
The Mach E s max charge rate is 48 amps, Not that that should be an issue if plugging onto the Toyota Level 1 EVSE. but it might be. Recommended Chargers | MachEforum - Ford Mustang Mach-E News, Owners, Discussions, Community An answer might be listed under ( EVSE or somewhere else in the Mach E owners manual ).