Hey everyone, 2017 with 20k miles here. Just started it up this morning and had a loud rattling sound, turned it off and tried again, it subsided after a short time and I left it parked. From what I’ve read, it could be head gasket, egr, fuel injectors or spark plugs. With 20k miles, which would be the more likely culprit from likely not being driven much (I bought it with 16k). I’m assuming not the head gasket because of the year, but any way of troubleshooting? If anything is beyond my low level of expertise, should I have it towed? thanks all!
Drive it everyday for a couple of weeks. See if the behavior repeats and if it smooths out quickly. Have a borescope test first. I would wonder if the miles are legitimate. Don’t waste money on plugs, coils or injectors if it runs smooth the rest of the day or only does it twice a month. Car Care Nut HG Borescope at 7:40 Shudder video
thanks for the reply. Miles do check out via carfax, unless there’s a way to fake that. Interior also looks brand new.
maybe just a one off? did you start it the previous time and shut it off before it finished warmup? i can't think of anything else that could cause that at 20k. iirc, mileage can be faked. what's the history of the car?
I did for the first time start it up and move it up about 5 feet and turn it off, could that actually have something to do with it? I’ll try starting it up today.
that is a very common cause of shaking on the next start. unburned hydrocarnons left in the manifold or somesuch
You need to drive it every day and start stop a few times after the first drive of the day to see if it repeats. If it repeats, a diagnosis and repair can save the engine.
I've started the car up and driven it around 3 times today; so far no sign of any issue. Fingers crossed it was a one off.
That's ultra-low miles. Could be @ChapmanF's "slurp" of moisture from the intake trick, but other'n that I can't see it being head gasket failure, yet. 2017 Prius v is still "third gen", with all those foibles.
I had that happen once. Moved the car from driveway to street, and then back sometime later, so the engine only ran for a few seconds each time. Next time I started it it shook something terrible. Now if I'm moving the car like that, I'll let it run for a minute or so. Hasn't happened again since as a result. Scared the crap out of me because the engine shake was pretty fierce.
You shouldn't shut off the car after moving it 5 feet. In your high humidity climate, it's best to let the ECU turn-off the engine - then shut it down. This way you bake-off fuel and moisture trapped inside your engine. The car should be driven at least on a weekly basis to get everything lubed up and contaminates baked-off. This also keeps the fuel from taking on too much moisture and going stale. Just my opinion - take it of leave it......
I can't take credit (or blame, or whatever) for the information we got from Kore971, who foreshadowed, and then announced, the TSB about it. Exhaust contains a lot of water (that and CO₂ are the biggies), and it seems when the engine hasn't warmed up much, some can be left as liquid in the small-bore EGR passages in the manifold. Those lie barely an inch below the intake ports, so it's no trick for that bit of liquid to get snorted into the intakes when the engine cranks up and makes vacuum.
Thank you for all the info everyone; I'll be sure to let the engine warm up and turn off before shutting it down should the opportunity arise again. And ah bummer; I thought I had read the 2017 V did not have the same head gasket issues.
I believe a 2017 Prius v will have revised pistons/rings, puportedly less prone oil runaway oil consumption, but the the EGR system is the same, and in my unsubstantiated, purely personal opinion it's the EGR propensity to carbon-clog that's causing the head gasket failures. Other's argue that there's no connection. Also, that the EGR clogs less if you're not burning oil. I suppose, but how much less. I'll keep on top of cleaning the EGR system (on our '10) regularly, see how it goes.