First for doing the research for the parts and 2nd for the announcement of the 4th of July sale! I ordered the spare protector foam, hold down bolt and cable protector. Great price from dealer with ther sale and the parts came in about 5-7 days. I picke them up and the parts guy said there's another huge sale for Labor Day, in case anyone needs to order parts they don't need immediately. Going to cannibalize the existing foam and see how it goes. If I'm not happy with the results I'll order the OEM parts on the next sale. Thanks broseph!!
Maybe if the parts departments get enough sales of spare and associated items, something will trickle through to Toyota. I doubt it though, think the only thing they understand is potential buyers walking away.
You may think that but with many auto makers not providing a spare, it is what it is. We live in an imperfect world
Funny, I read the same thread and it made me pull the trigger on a spare tire. So double shout out! I did go the C-HR spare tire with all the tools as I got it used.
Looks like I am late to the party :/ Can you send the links to the post and the products? Thanks in advance!
Finally had time to remove all the existing parts and install the spare foam that the tire rests on and the metal protector. Not sure the metal protector is necessary but it was not expensive so it's in. I canabalized the existing foam and used a drywall saw to cut out for the spare. It looks pretty good and I figured I'd pick up the OEM pieces on the next sale if it was too janky. I'm happy with it and probably won't. Spare from ModernSpare- $325 Toyota parts- $171 Piece of mind on a road trip- priceless