hey guys/girls! I recently replaced the head gasket on my 2010 Prius (250k miles) I found this video explaining that a clogged EGR cooler can be major culprit for the notorious oil consumption. With everything apart, I inspected my egr cooler and found that it was completely clogged. I soaked it in oven cleaner for a couple days and then flushed it out with a pressure washer at my local car wash (wear eye protection). I also switched my motor oil to the new Valvoline restore and protect. Just did my first oil change and noticed that I was only down .5qt over 5k miles instead of my old average of 1-1.5qts every 2-2.5k miles. I don’t know if it’s because I cleaned out my EGR valve/cooler or the oil cleaning the gunk out from behind the oil control rings as advertised or the combination of both but it seems to be working. I’ve also tried the MMO/seafoam piston soak in the past and it didn’t do anything. just wanted to share in case this helps any of you
Generally with these it turns out to be more of the oil control range I didn't look at your mileage but I imagine it will return but no big deal it's real common
yeah, I’m not expecting it to be like factory new. all ice burn some oil. it just brings a little peace of mind knowing that I’m not gonna grenade my motor from oil starvation on a long road trip.
Sorry, I have to write this... In this video between time mark 1:30 and 3:00 the guy is talking complete nonsense about EGR system and others. He most probably _can_ work on engines (as the whole video shows), but the explanation between the two time marks is _not_true_! I do even not want to discuss this - every one can read about EGR system and learn it right, I want only point it out: here the explanation is wrong. Mat
Basically saying the EGR valve becomes the throttle body, once the engine’s warmed up. His business model relies on blown head gaskets, so it’d be counterproductive to actually think it through.
The basic flaw in what he's saying is exhaust gas in a SI engine is less than 1% O2, so it doesn't work like "air". To a minor degree, it works the opposite of what he's saying - more EGR reduces volumetric efficiency (without pumping losses, yay!)