I just received my $9 photo cut insert key that I purchased off of eBay and it works perfectly in the door lock. I submitted photos of the key and it was shipped from China. It sure beats the $35 one from a locksmith or the more costly one from a dealer.
Chinese government subsidizes export shipping, usually in giant ocean going containers. When it gets here workers mail the already prepared envelopes. It takes two to four weeks typically. There are shipping companies here that do the same going the other way but you have to get the package to them.
At $9, I can wait. If you hide a key fob in the car with the battery removed, you can keep the spare insert door key in your wallet or purse, instead of the insecure magnetic key box often used by others.
I had understood that to be related to an old bilateral postal agreement, reasonably balanced in its original intent and application, but since taken advantage of by savy sellers.
I got three of these made and all of them work perfectly. I put one in my wallet, so I can get into my car, if I lost the key and the fob. A complete programmed Smart Key with the battery removed is hidden in the car. An additional insert was equipped with a neck lanyard for those times that I need to go jogging, camping, or a walk in the park. I had a friend who went on a roller coaster with his keys in his pocket. The keys were lost out of his pocket. He called a locksmith who could not help. He had to wait for hours for his roomate to drive 200 miles each way to bring him his spare key from home. Worth the $30 dollars I spent, instead of the $100 from a local locksmith.
Sort of off-topic, but for lost keys: I put small luggage tags on our fobs, with name and phone number.