3 days after I got my Prius we had 10" of snow which means we also got several inches of salt on the roads. It hasn't snowed since & temperatures are warm enough to go the carwash to get rid of the road salt on "Fiona", but I'm not sure how to do it - I usually go to a carwash where you do not ride through, and I'm not sure the guys there know what to do with a hybrid. I also am a little concerned about the antenna on the roof. Am I now consigned to handwashing my car for the next 10 years (which isn't always possible in the winter here in Wisconsin)?
Well Judy your instinct is most likely right, car wash people usually don't know about the Prius. They may try to send it through while it is in D because they don't know how to get it in neutral or won't wait a second or so after the put the selector to N so it doesn't go in. It usually won't help to tell them because they only pretend to listen and next time you will get a different one anyway. I take mine to a car wash that lets me stay in the car. You can just unscrew the antenna and take it off. Why not ask them if you can stay in the car? If they won't let you then go elsewhere.
Unscrewing the antenna is pretty easy, and shouldn't present a problem for you. Instead, i'd be worried about the guys at the carwash. Either convince them to let you ride through, or oversee each step (in otherwords, look over their shoulder as they put it into neutral, etc) way more than you would with a "normal" car. Of course, my vote is always for hand washing it yourself, but as you said, thats not always practical.
I would think that by now the car wash would be able to deal with the Prius, but I live in S. Cal where every other car is a Prius, or so it seems... I guess I'll find out - car needs a wash and I am not doing it myself.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Grandma Judy @ Jan 4 2007, 08:59 AM) [snapback]370731[/snapback]</div> The first time I took my '05 into a car wash it was at one you didn't drive through. They didn't have any problems. Just ask them whether they have done the Prius before. Since then, I've been using one that you drive through. Dave M.
My suggestion: Tell them: "This car is different. If you don't know how to drive it, it will drive itself away when you think it's off. I do not permit anyone to drive it but me. I will sit in the car, in the driver's seat, as it goes through. If this is not permitted, I will go elsewhere." Presumably, if they say No, you can find a car wash that will allow you to stay in the car. Bottom line: No, you do not have to wash your car yourself, but you may have to find another car wash if these guys won't let you stay in it. You can unscrew the antenna, or perhaps they will do it for you.
Antenna... One of the first mods for my '04 [now traded up to an '07 touring] was a 2" stubby antenna for carwash convenience. I find the reception excellent in the metro area [Dallas TX] but replace the original antenna for cross-country driving. I only use car washes which allow me to ride the Prius through. The attention level of our local car wash jockeys is inadequate to comprehend the Prius needs.
I've had mine washed several times. Its no big deal. I have a sharkfin, so the aneanna is not a problem. The only thing I do differently, is place the key fob in the dash slot, so it doesn't get lost. There are so many Prius and other "keyless" cars in LA that it's no big deal. Your mileage may vary... You could also pay attention to other Prius in car washes, and take it there, if that eases your mind.
I usually lurk, but I had this dilemma before at car washes and valet parking places and thought to chime in. I would recommend a bit of a different approach... one that says, "you, too, can be a hybrid car driver!" If possible, take the time to educate people... it's a win-win for all. I understand being concerned about our Priuses because it does work differently than regular cars and I'm this way, too. I had two experiences that thought me a lesson. One with the guy at the car wash and he said it works just like the BMW. (So we're not *that* special, lol.) One was a valet guy who forgot to push the park button on another Prius and it started backing up on this incline towards our group as we waited for our cars. The owner of that Prius quickly got in and gave the valet a little sermon. Oi! Anyway, if you don't mind other people driving your car, I would go with this: Smile, be friendly and build rapport so that they care (hopefully) and say, "My car works a little different than regular cars. Are you familiar with it? (No) Let me show you a couple of things. (Insert show and tell) Great, you've got it. I'll be there (pointing) if you have questions." Smile. Anxiously watch them. Smile. Or something like that. Good luck GRANDMA JUDY and congrats on your car! Wow, sorry for the long answer, lol!
I was a little weary when I first brought my car to one of those car wash. I didn't have any problems with them. Hope this helps.
Thanks for all your ideas. I'm a little too short to reach the roof antenna (I tried this afternoon). My Totyota dealer washes all the cars brought in for service, but I hope I won't be seeing a lot of them! Maybe I'll get some carwash suggestions at the Milwaukee Hybrid Group's next meeting. Meanwhile, I'll start looking around for other locations that might be a little friendlier to "Fiona"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Grandma Judy @ Jan 4 2007, 06:53 PM) [snapback]370992[/snapback]</div> Someone at any carwash place could probably unscrew it for you. The one time I've taken ours off (in 32 degree temps) it unscrewed easily by hand in a few seconds.
I did NOT unscrew the antenna on my 2005 Prius and went through the carwash a few times (in my car). I have NOT detected any problems with the antenna. (once I myself had problems getting into neutral though, which was a little scary but turned out ok). Solar Hydro
I don't have to many problems with them figuring out the drive system, but I consistently find them having a very hard time figuring out how to release the parking brake. I typically hang out near the starting point until they get it moving.
I'm fortunate to have two good options in my neighborhood. One is a drive-thru car wash where they know how to drive a Prius, they unscrew the antenna, tape the rear windshield wiper down so it doesn't get 'caught' on anything, and they drive it through after vacuuming the interior. When it comes out the other end, their people wipe down the dash and clean the inside of the windows - a great bargain for $11. My other option is a hand car wash that operates in a supermarket parking lot, and I pay $5 for an exterior-only wash with my senior citizen discount. Good luck finding someplace good like this near where you live!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(subarutoo @ Jan 4 2007, 12:05 PM) [snapback]370893[/snapback]</div> The problem is that other "keyless" cars do not begin driving away by themselves when the engine is obviously not running, if you take your foot off the brake without putting them in park if they didn't successfully get it into neutral. Leaving the fob in the slot can avoid losing the fob, but it does not address the issue of the car being on when the engine is off.