I have found conflicting information. One post says 177ftlbs. And others say 47 ft lbs. Even then the wording is kinda jumbled. Does anyone know what the center bolt on the strut is supposed to be?
Be sure to tighten the center nut after the vehicle is back on the ground (with the struts installed). The upper mount is keyed so the shaft will not spin when you tighten the nut. If you only tighten the nut when the strut is mounted on the compressor, you will probably undertighten and be puzzled by the strange knocking sounds.
Looks like the Center bolt that goes to the top strut is 47 ft. lbs, and the 3 bolts that bolt the strut to the frame fender is 37 ft. lbs. The bottom strut that bolts to the hub assembly is 177 ft. lbs.
I just want to make sure about the center top bolt. I bought the already put together struts. There's a cover over the center area. Do I need to remove it and tighten the bolt, or has that already been done?
It just takes a minute to remove the cover and check the torque on the center nut, so you should do that.
Yes, did it today. The entire job wasn't as bad as I thought. Those lower strut bolts were a challenge, but finally got them off. Pretty sure they were never removed before. Really, getting the wipers and cowl stuff off is the most work I thought. Ride is much better for sure. Now for the rear. Thanks for all the info!
Yes, I can feel it pull just a little to the left. I still may do the rear shocks, so should I wait on the alignment until after I do them?
Yes, wait until you are done working on all four corners. The front wheel alignment partially depends upon the thrust angle associated with the rear axle.
Hey guys i just found this thread! im doing my front struts This weekend and i just ordered the struts online. I wanted to know if i need a air impact gun or can i get away with using an impact driver like the battery powered ones?
If you have the car jacked up, can you just undo that centre bolt and drop the strut enough to get to the rubber shock cover? Or is the spring still under compression when the car is jacked and you undo bolt ?