My 2007 Prius is making a rattling sound when it runs on gas. I took some pictures from underneath, and it seems like there's an issue with the exhaust joint. What can I do to fix it? Thanks.
Well if this car is in New Jersey where it says in your profile you have to pass emissions and all of that stuff I think so there's no fake parts on the car generally speaking so here it looks like if this is just part of the cat back muffler connection that may be an aftermarket muffler because you are up north and that's fine where those pieces are joined at that flange you might want to blast those bolts loose and you can get a thick piece of gasket that's that diamond shaped it'll be like a quarter inch thick maybe a tad thicker and then use new I like brass bolts but use whatever you like and pull that snug with that thick gasket in place and that should stop the rattling and seal up good and be permanent You shouldn't have to undo that again until you have to replace the cat back or it's eaten again from the salt
Yeah I'm thinking that's what Midas will do If that joint is really rattling and it looks like it probably is looks like there's no gasket donut or anything but I can't see that far in there I'm imagining this gets the little donut around the literal diameter of the pipe itself and they make a thick gasket just for this application that will take up any slack The flange will straighten up when you put in the new bolts and squeeze them down and usually that pulls everything out of the rattle condition unless of course the rattle is a heat shield or something which is not shown here.
Did you hear any popping sound on top of the consistent rattling sound? I'm thinking or hoping this is what's wrong with my car right now