To all the Gen 3 owners, perhaps you could explain this mystery: I often see speeding Gen 3 Priuses on the road, but I never see speeding Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 4, or Gen 5 Priuses. What is it that makes Gen 3 drivers to speed? It is far from being the most powerful Prius. Is the accelerator-pedal modulation such that it is always in the power mode? Or is it the lack of steering feel in Gen 3 that makes the car feel like a video game so that the drivers lose the perception of speed? Or was it that Gen 3 somehow attracted younger drivers? Or is it because they are usually Uber/Lyft drivers who like to speed? Or could it be just statistics because there are more Gen 3 Priuses than any other Priuses on the road?
It is almost never accurate to take anecdotal evidence and generalize it. Your question was an interesting one. So I did some digging. According to: Car Models With the Most Speeding Tickets (2024) | Insurify The only Toyota that was in the Top 10 list was the Toyota Yaris iA! It came in at number 10. That shocked me, but their dataset is pretty good sized (97 million insurance applications). Here is what they say about it: The data has led them to state that the most likely speeders tend to be smaller, less expensive sedans and sporty cars.
In Corollas that we own here I'm always 25 mi over the speed limit No tickets no problems no issues but in the corolla's in the celicas we're always speeding they don't break and there's no electric motors to mess up or charging things to deal with there's only one battery You can flog them pretty good and they don't really care no serious engine problems that sort of thing our 7AFE Corolla 1.8 '93 model is still on the road today A friend of our owns it and it speeds everywhere it goes the minute it leaves the driveway It's 20 mi over the speed limit automatically nobody gives it a second glance police included doesn't matter that it's moving fast it doesn't look the part so no one's interested in chasing it. It's not red and flashy and all that sort of thing no pretty blonde driving it all those things make a difference
A few weeks ago I drove my silver gen 3 through Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Canadian border control, British Columbia, US border control, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and a bit of Wyoming, before noticing I'd forgotten to renew my plate. Nobody pulled me over or said a peep about it. Perfect stealth vehicle?
Yes I've never been stopped in the Prius even with no license expired tags plenty of insurance and whatever I think cops are embarrassed to stop Prius I really do I even heard cops talk about it at a diner before so whenever long weekends come or anything like that 4th of July DWI checkpoints I drive the Prius all through those times never get stopped never even looked that twice even at the DUI checkpoints get waived through barely have to roll the window down seriously
I don’t think the Prius is quite as bulletproof as you think. In 2022 the Prius C was #28 in ticket ratings. 28 Cars That Get Pulled Over The Most As an aside, a neighbor of mine died due the type of attitude you portray. Feel free to take whatever risks you want with you own life. Please be considerate when sharing public streets.
my guess is that gen 1 and 2 purchased for eco reasons, but by gen 3, people were buying to save money. now you wouldn't think speeding would help with that, but they were happy compared to what they drove previously. then cheap gas came back and that crowd had moved on and prius sales dropped
Does that mean "Prius c just managed to edge into the top-28 list"? Or does it mean "list-makers made it a top-28 list so they could get the Prius c onto it"?
The Prius c has a lot of local popularity in the Washington, D.C. metro area. ...which also has a vast, dense network of automated speed enforcement devices. Getting an ugly in the mail for 35 in a 25 is not hard around there.
LOL... That's because it's virtually impossible to speed around Boston. Have you driven I95 north of Boston? I see police car on median every 30 miles and consequently pulled over speeders on this stretch all the time... especially during holiday weekends. When I drive down to Boston, it takes me ~5 hours to go NH boarder to drive over 300 miles. Then via NH to North of Boston is only ~30 miles can take ~1 hour. Once I enter greater Boston area, last 15 miles can take over 1 hour.
I also later noticed that Gen 3 Prius has a more powerful engine than Gen 4 Prius, which surprised me. A little extra power goes a long way to encourage people to speed.
I actually do more of those antics on two wheels than four before four wheels is quite boring to me actually in 20 mi over the speed limit that's actually pretty normal I'm not talking about a neighborhoods where kids are kicking balls in the street for goodness sakes and personally I live out in the country everybody out here speeds 45 is a 65 for the most part that's just how it is there are still accidents and people still do get killed That's just I don't know part of life I'm not sure that all of that is necessarily for speeding. James to me a lot of times and people are getting hurt and maimed and then killed measly people are high or drunk you know 10 ft tall and bulletproof and all that nonsense
Only people too stupid to run Waze. You see Gen 3 speeding more often because you see Gen 3's more often: