Got in my car this morning and it won't start. I'd be really glad for any tips on what to check. The nearest Toyota service centre is ~100 km away. The car is a 2012 Prius C iTech. I've never encountered any problem with it before. The engine won't turn over. It's silent. A light that I think is the engine light comes on when I try to start it up. Then there's another light in the top left that flashes sometimes. The car is outside and it's been raining for a few hours. I don't know if that's relevant. Of course it's been in the rain lots over the years without a problem.
hopefully, you just need a new 12 volt battery. can you get a jump start, or purchase a jump pack? ref=asc_df_B08Z3B5VXR
Thanks. I hope that's all it is. I have now called for roadside assistance, so hopefully they will be able to pinpoint the problem. I don't know if they'll have a suitable battery (if that's what it is), but they should be able to get me back on the road so I can get to the Toyota service centre. I'll post back here if it's the battery or something else.
Roadside assistance got the car going. It was the 12 volt battery. Unfortunately it seems I'll have to wait some days to get a new one, but at least it was something simple. I don't think I've ever replaced the battery, which means it's lasted more than seven years.
Glad you got it figured out! My wife's 2017 Prius 12-volt battery is testing great but is the original, so going on 8-years old, so I'm planning on replacing it when my wife gives the car to our daughter. (My wife ordered a new Corolla Hybrid for herself.) I'm hoping to get a new battery from the Toyota dealer....those things are impressive....the 12-volts I buy from Auto Parts stores are lucky to last for 5 years.
Genuine Toyota starter battery are expensive but I have them tough to best in yerms of reliabilty/long-life.