Hi all, I'm missing the plastic fitting for the rear cargo cover that holds the cover in place when it is in use. Can anyone sell me one, or give me an idea where to find one? I need the two attachment screws as well. (2004 Gen 2 Prius) TIA, Rufus
I don't think it likely that that little tab is available separately. The whole thing is I think part number 64910-47011-E0 and it is pricey to buy a new one. Replace the whole thing with one from a junkyard? Make a replacement plastic on a 3D printer? Repair the broken one on yours (superglue or JB weld)?
The piece fell off and disappeared. I think I'll pursue the 3D printer idea and if that doesn't work I'll buy an entire used one from eBay.
If you have or have a buddy with a 3d scanner and 3d printer it should be pretty easy to copy the remaining piece. Minus the 3D scanner you could certainly work out the shape file using a good ruler and careful measurements. At least one of the libraries in my area has a 3D printer which they let people use for free. Never done it myself, maybe you have to pay for the plastic filament, or bring your own, but the use is free. There are companies that will do this, but since they have to stay in business, it seems unlikely that it would cost less than a used part from the junk yard. The ones on ebay are around $100. LKQ prices "cargo cover" at $42. Edit: LA Public Library has a lab somewhere (they cover a huge area) which a person can join for free and then use their 3D scanner for free.