Tryimg to decide to keep or sell my beloved 2011 Prius. Bought it in 2013 with 28,000 miles. Now has 193,000 miles. Love the car and have religiously changed the oil every 3000 miles. Hit a parking lot pole May 30th at 10mph and caused major front end damage. Body shop quoted me $7000 to repair it and said it could be more once they dug in. Opinions? I’d love to get it drivable. If it was just me, I’d replace the ruined parts snd drive it around town, but I have a four year old and it needs to be safe too.
I would not repair it at that price. Combined with things that COULD need replacement soon at this mileage you MIGHT be looking at an additional 2-5k in repairs, Is the car worth $9-13K or more to you? Could you get something better for that amount? I believe you can. However if you can get a used bumper and hood and do this work yourself that changes everything. Is there any radiator/condenser damage? I don't see thus "dent" being bad enough to cause any safety problems...did the airbags activate? I would probably just drive it like it is until something needs repair.
^agreed. That model, that vintage... those tend to do their Jekyll/Hyde flip and start eating major money at that age even without collision damage. Time to replace it.
if i could get someone to take a good look at it for a reasonable price, i would do it. it doesn't have to look good to be safe. idk where they are getting 7k from, is there more than the bumper and hood? salvage parts are cheap