I picked up Priapus Wednesday evening. My wife doesn't work on Thursdays, and normally cleans that day. She's an adamant cleaner. The fobs had yellow dealer-looking tags on them which looked cheap and disposable; in the trash. One of them had a little silver tag on it. Cheap looking aluminum thing; trashed. Friday night I finally had time to thoroughly read the manual and one of the first things in the section about using the fobs is that you should save that little silver tag in a safe place. Not only that, Toyota recommends that you also write that number down and put that in a safe place also. Needless to say, I spent Friday night digging through coffee grinds and food wrappers until I located the ridiculously small, though potentially expensive, piece of metal. If you should ever need to have new fobs created, they can use the number on the tag to know how to properly code the new fobs. The price of having new fobs made has already been hashed out on this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...=384&highlight= I'm just throwing this out there as a warning to everyone to make sure you don't lose that tag. I've already made a mental note that when I receive my customer service survey I will tell them to make sure and tell the new car owner how important that thing is.
However, even if the tag is lost any Toyota dealer can provide the key number on the tag with the VIN, proof of ownership and a photo ID.
My salesperson told me to make sure I put it somewhere safe. I had a different salesperson for our '02 at the same dealership and he also told me to put it somewhere safe. I would say that that was part of their training to remind the new owners not to throw it away.
thanks for the heads up Tony... i am now wondering where my little tag is. i did write down the info taht was on it and im sure i have it somewheres (i rarely throw anything away, although i have downsized my living space so its possible)
Most recent cars I have purchased have had these id tags. On every pick up I was told not to loose them. Now that you mention it I probably could not find one to save my soul. They however in the house somewhere, in a safe place. I only wish that I could go sort through mere egg shells and coffee grounds. I would have to go through the whole house to find them. I would put them in the proverbial safe place
The silver tag is just for the actual physical key itself that hides inside the fob afaik. The prius can be programmed to accept any replacement Prius remote with the dealer scantool. Dave.
I did write down the number, and then put the tag in a safe place (little over a week ago). But I cannot remember where that safe place is...
With all the passwords I have to keep, I've found the following application invaluable: an encrypted password caching program. It runs on my Palm PDA, but the encrypted data file can be editted on either the Palm or the Windows PC. To access it, I need to type in the caching program's password I set; then I can read or write into it. Thus, I only have to remember ONE password; the others can all be looked up in the caching program. I also include serial numbers, VINs, URLs etc., etc. (It's probably contributing to my short-term memory, though. )
Hmm...I don't remember getting any little metal tags with my key fobs. I did have a cardboard tag with a bar code on it though. Wonder if that counts?