Looking at a prius 2013 persona series in the beautiful Black Cherry Pearl/Black. Given the higher milage, is there anything I should know, I heard about an expensive head gasket repair, but was that improved in this model year. I am wondering if 7k is a fair price at the dealership. After the cusp of owning a BMw (that died)l, i am a little gun shy on buying another used vehicle, but I really like the styling on these cars.
welcome! yes, head gaskets are an issue, as well as brake actuaters and hybrid batteries. of course, no one can tell you when or if, but go into it with full knowledge. and existing head gasket issues can be temporarily disguised for sale. unfortunately, prius didn't get the updated pistons and rings until the mid 2014 model year, and we still don't know if that solved or even helped with the problem. the egr circuit clogs up, and toyota has admitted that their coolant pump software does not work adequately to prevent hot spots in the head. others think the oil change interval is too long. as to price, you can only compare to other offerings in your area.
A Gen 3 with those miles, good chance it has blown gasket. As mentioned, it can be masked. Good buy for a mechanic, but lowball the seller.
IMO, do not buy this car. You will be sitting on the seat at the fairgrounds dunk tan- just waiting to be hit with a $2000+ repair bill. Tampa Hybrid Cars 2 hrs north of me sells used Toyota hybrids with a new head gasket and EGR service done. Many have had the battery replaced and some with ABS actuator serviced.