I'm not religious, but I am pulling for you on this one. I just had a friend come out ICU due to a bad accident. She rolled the car (at least) seven times after blacking out on the highway in rural Missouri, came away with a broken vertebrae, but no paralysis, luckily enough due to 8 hours of surgery and at least 20 of us waiting in the ICU waiting room during the surgery. She will have to go through intense physical therapy to walk again, and it is very hard on her family and all of us, her friends. It is one of those things that you realize how much people mean to you, and how we sometimes, through all of this, forget what driving entails. She has taken the experience as a positive though, telling her dad to photograph everything, that she didn't want to forget what she had to go through, and those photos have also been the way it's been shared with all of those that know her but can't visit her. It's been made into a website, but I won't post it here because of considerations on both sides. If you PM me, maybe I will give it out. As I continue to pull for her, I will remember your loved one as well, and please keep us updated!
My prayers and best wishes are with you. It's very scary dealing with something like this. Less than a year ago, i was coming home with my g/f and i received a phone call. I think it was one of my brothers. They told me my father was in an accident and was being airlifted to the hospital. Well.. i had no clue what happened. I looked up and saw the helicopter ( was in the flight path ) which gives you this feeling. Nothing i like to experience twice, but things happen. When i got home, i heard he rolled his truck. I saw him in the hospital. he was fine. he was bruised and bleeding. He had glass pieces all over him. It turns out that the truck rolled both on it's side and end over end. the truck is completely destroyed. except where he was. the cab looked like a triangle on it's side. driver side up.. passenger side flat. My good friend was close to being in that truck. If he was.. he would have died. It turns out that earlier that day he had dental work done. Well.. his immune system is like mine. It takes twice as many shots to go numb.. and only kicks in about an hour or two later. He ignored it, and it almost cost him his life. We believe prayer kept him alive. Kepts the driver side of the truck from collapsing and something told him to put on his seat belt ( he never does ) I'll pray for you and your son. Hope his recovery is quick.
I'm very sorry to hear about Justin. My thoughts are with your family and I hope Justin has a speedy recovery.
Tough times builds character, your stepson will be a great man when he get finished with this trail. Warm happy thoughts coming your way. Get well soon!
Dianne, So sorry to hear about son. We will keep him and your family in our prayers. Eventhough I have not purchased my Prius from you, I know you have helped so many others with their Prius and put smiles on their faces. Best wishes for the coming days. Tony.
Dear Diane, May everyone's prayers bring strength and wisdom to guide you and your family through this difficult time. And, may the love that this community extends to you help balance the sorrow that fills your heart. Dicksie Lee
Dianne, my best wishes and good thoughts go to you and yours. My wife lost her stepson in an accident when he was 16; so I can empathize with how close you are to your stepson and some of the emotions you feel.
Dianne: May the strength be there for Justin and for you, wherever it comes from. We send all we have.
Oh Dianne! Dianne, when I read your subject I was scared to open it. You've already had your share of sorrow not that long ago. One can only hope that enough people will learn from someone's unfortunate mistake. Best wishes to everyone in your family.
Aw hell.... Here's hoping for the best possible outcome for Justin and your family. cas (whose dtr will wonder why the extra hug comes in the morning)
Thank You All Hi ya'll. Thanks so much for the kindness and prayers. Justin's been released and is home, with a makeshift bed in my fam room as he is unable to climb stairs yet... he's walking tiny baby steps with a walker and still has his arm in a cast and will be barely ambulatory for a while. I dread tonight - the funeral for the young lady who died in that accident. I thank God he is alive and well and hope he comes out of this a wiser, smarter and safer guy who makes better decisions. Thanks for the prayers -- they helped!
if I may quote your signature, or part of it "It is from our experiences that we get our education of life." He is your "jewel".
Jewels. Frank, agreed. And, although it was great that the truth came out that the boys were not doing anything sensational (drinking, partying, etc) --- the main fact here is that they picked up the girls and put them in danger. That's the part I was hoping the girl's funeral would nail into him. We shall see. Justin is recuperating at home now, in great pain, and he has quite a lot of physical therapy ahead of him. Thanks. 8)