One smallish annoyance I have: when I start the car, I often am already seat-belted in and ready to go immediately. If I have to go in reverse, I do use the backup cam. I've noticed that sometimes it takes several seconds for the car's Bluetooth to boot up, and when it does, it shows a toast notification from the top of the screen telling me what the current volume level is. It takes up a good 20% or so of the screen height and blocks the camera view considerably! Has anyone else noticed this and found a way to disable those toasts while the rear cam is engaged? Or at least noticed it too and can commiserate?
When's the last time you have changed the 12V battery? It may be due since that is the power source that controls accessories. You can take it to almost any auto parts store to test. I did recently purchase an OEM battery from a local dealership with only 1 year warranty rather than going with a Duralast AGM that only lasted a bit over 3 years.