I think's it's happening here in Seattle and maybe where you live too..... We're losing the cool factor. I've caught up to several PriI on the freeway and honked and waved, but I can tell from the drivers' expressions that they are trying to figure out who I am and how I know them, and are oblivious to what I am driving. Being part of the "hot new thing" was fun while it lasted, but I think we may be losing that cool factor in favor of, thank God, greater awareness of and acceptance for environmentally sound cars. Maybe I should wave at the occasional Hummer?
Great idea. Do it as seen at: http://www.fuh2.com They have an awesome method, almost a SCIENCE behind how to wave at hummers.
Bob, it probably was a rental car... a Hummer owner in a state of euphoria...or a case of Octo-rectumitice.. where eyes cross with another body part... That said...maybe we need paul to make a Prius wave decal.. put on all windows..."I WAVE AT PRII" or I wave at Priuses... for those who are unaware of the plural
I doubt every Prius owner has found this site, or possibly any site, to learn The Wave or anything. If they all have, it's nice of them to be so quiet... :mrgreen:
Maybe it's just coincidence, but I've notcied hearing more horns honk while I'm driving the Prius, but I don't have a clue if it's directed at me, or if it's approval, envy, or grumbling. Not that I care really if it's the latter I always wave at other owners in their Prius, but have never got a response yet. One guy in a tideland gave me a wierd look... Odd. Dave
Bob you are mistaken!! that look you get is not of confusion or disinterest...it is the look of disappointment when the other Prius driver realizes that he is no longer unique on the road...
I get the same but down here in California. I'll have or tap my horn in a way more friendly than just laying on it and I either get a dirty look or people are totally oblivious... Kind of annoying since almost every single 04 Prius driver had to wait for more than 6 hours to get theirs so you'd assume that they'd give a little " you must have finally gotten yours too!" :wave: People just seem oblivious, but in CA it could just plain be them being rude... This IS the road rage capital of the world... :roll:
Today was a banner day. I waved and honked at two (2!) Prii within one block on my way home. No response. Then, at the mall I slipped a PriusChat card under the wiper of one in the parking lot.
actually you should read my post in the WA State forum about an impromptu meeting at the gas station (must have been faith since a gas station would seem to be a most unlikely place of coincidence..) http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4008
They are probably thinking, “dang - another Prii with a Microsoft techno nerd behind the wheel and not a famous movie star. Must - move - to - LAâ€
I had a HUGE desire to do just that today when a big black sucker came around the corner but I contained myself.
Here in Fargo we're still in the "what is that?" stage. One person in 25 knows what my car is. On the rare occasion when anybody looks at it, their expression shows bewilderment rather than awe or admiration. The plural is a matter of choice. We are speaking English, not Latin. Websters gives two choices for the plural of hippopotamus: both hippopotamuses and hippopotami are correct. In other cases the plural can be identical to the singular. I prefer john1701a's suggestion of not changing the word, since to my ear both "Priuses" and "Prii" have a peculiar sound. -- But there is no right and wrong in this case.
Maybe we're just a minority within a minority -- i.e., that the majority of Prius owners "just drive it", and don't really "dig into" it more than that. And that's OK, really -- in fact, if we want people to use hybrids because of cleaner air and better gas efficiency, that's the goal -- the hybrid as Just A Car. However, for those of us who enjoy the tech and the geek and the gadgets -- we get our fun too. I bet there are people out there who wax poetic about toasters. More power to 'em.
That and my brother in law who was a classics major says that both i's must be pronounced. Saying it that way is plane wierd.
Has anyone looked into getting Toyota to promote the site? Or at least mention it to new Prius owners? Seems like a win-win, since this community would expand while Toyota would have to deal with fewer basic questions from new owners.
I got a great wave today from a happy new Prius owner. He also had a tideland and also purchased it from Carson Toyota.
the reason that the Prius has become so mainstream is that it is a way to donate to a cause without compromise. the Prius is for all intensive purposes, just a car. its the coolest car on the road... ok maybe that is stretching it a bit, but its definitely the most tech-cool car. before, being green required some sort of sacrifice. either it was limited range, limited power, or limited space. well the Prius' only limitation is availability. already there are predictions that the Prius will be in short supply throughout the entire 2005 model year as well. i feel that the Prius could have been one of the top selling cars this year had the supply been there.
Ho HUm? Well I've only managed 3 or 4 successful Prius "waves" since April. And my sighting count is WAY up. Heck theres at least 6 in a 1 block radius around my house (counting mine). Most people seem to be taking the "just drive it" mantra to heart now. Just came back from a visit to NH. Saw 4 '04's and 2 gen 1 prii during the week I was there. Still love my 'lectro-beast <grin> cas (driftwood #7 April'04 unmodified)