Howdy ya’ll first time posting due to a recent experience at a repair shop. 2012 Prius V showed high temperature coolant maintenance light flashing then it went off. Had to wait about two weeks to drop off at a repair shop. Asked them to check water pump and head gasket (after reading posts here.) They came back with failed water pump, two cylinders not firing etc., about $2,000 quoted for all “repairs.” Opted to have water pump and thermostat replaced by the shop and DIY spark plugs and ignition coils. Picked up car after water pump replacement and the AC was out with a new maintenance light that corresponded with the hybrid system. Walked back in to address immediately with the shop. Mechanic pulled codes and said AC compressor was out. Well… AC was working perfectly when I dropped the car off for WP repair. No issues whatsoever with cooling. Mechanic said he unplugged an electrical wire from AC Compressor and when he drained the coolant some got into the electrical housing off AC compressor. Said he blew it out with air compressor and cleaned the electrical housing with brake cleaner… reconnected and it still doesn’t work. Shop is now charging me $900 for a refurbished AC compressor off Amazon ($370) no apparent warranty and $470 for labor… Is it possible the AC compressor was damaged by the coolant or the brake cleaner? Shop owner maintains it was inconvenient timing that the AC compressor went out while in their care… Could the failed water pump have affected the AC compressor causing it to die with no warning?
You need the actual AC trouble code. Odds are good the AC high voltage connector got wet and was still moist enough to trip the hv leakage monitor. Usually letting it dry completely is enough. Or at least that was the initial problem if the brake clean did not make things worse. Might be worth a dealer diagnosis.
The AC compressor power connector is a known "Achilles heel" of this design. Once water gets into this water trap and corrodes it, the compressor is a total loss. There is no way to seal the connection from water vapor that can get in. The only way to keep it from eventually corroding is to take the pre-emptive measure of filling the connector with silicone die-electric grease.
The compressor has two electrical connectors: it runs on high voltage, so its power connector is big, fat, and orange. But its control connector is a smaller, black, multi-pin connector that's on the top facing up, and that's the one I remember hearing about collecting water and corroding.