Bought this 2006 Prius in FB marketplace for $1500. Major issues are check engine for the coolant valve, grinding, vibrations and humming noise (wheel bearing), intermittent heating and cooling which turns out to be a failing blower fan (it's also noisy when working, it's just drowned out by other noises) Broken plastic trim pieces on the dashboard as well as the famous tail gate trunk switch trim which is dangling (broken) It turns out to be a very decent car once the major issues are fixed!
Yeah no kidding and all of those parts the braking tailgate lift piece and all that you can buy now on eBay from other manufacturers out of newer type of plastic that doesn't tend to break it's more flexible etc etc He just have to take the time to fix the little stuff usually in the generation too I don't find plastics and too bad a shape actually they're in real good shape compared to models moving forward above 2010 way better now if you're talking plastics that are underneath the car and between the bumper and all of that stuff generally on a generation 2 by this time 20 years is pretty much gone I have a few cars where a few pieces are still there but they don't really need to be I don't think they mess with the gas mileage too much You want your front bumper cover intact your hood to be down with no gaps to maintain the drag coefficient and generally your mileage won't be affected very much at least by a body like that most of the cars I've bought from towing lots and out of people's yards have been completely intact in the interior usually leather very quiet a few of them is the wind is half rolled down they'll vibrate when going down the road one or two that I bought were like Cadillacs you can put the window an inch or two down and roll down the road without the rattling in place and all that All of these vehicles were talking about are over 180,000 mi every one of them more like in the 250 range but one of them is it 179 so I guess I have to mention that they're way more solid cars than some other vehicles that we owned in similar year ranges. I do think it's kind of funny in the generation 2 they use a cast metal intake manifold but even as far back as 2006 in the Scion XA they get the plastic manifold like the generation 3? Just too funny I mean that's got to be a 15 lb weight savings from the plastic to the cast intake I would think but I guess when you're lugging around a 90 lb battery doesn't really matter I guess it's the logic.
Generally all of mine have been 700 to 1,000 off the places where I bought them I like to try and keep it in that range and even paying that low amount of money I've done very little work to use the car very little it's almost ridiculous most of them I walk up to put a 12 volt in drive them away take them home change a few trim pieces that I don't like remove the funky wheel covers off the alloy rims some of them are haven't even had to change tires on yet they came with fairly new reasonable name brand tires It has been really quite interesting.
Not worth the expense $$$$ to fix it!! I would Sell the CAT & many other parts off it = You will make a profit off the parts.
On our 2007 I replaced one wheel well liner (a rock or something similar tore a big hole in it) and one bottom front shield (don't recall which one). The front air dam was constantly dragging on parking blocks and eventually was ripped to pieces. Never replaced it since a new one would have the same problem. Couldn't even detect the change in MPG with it gone. All the rest of the bottom plastic was fine. The paint on all the door handles is peeling off the plastic. Thought about putting covers on them but instead just broke off any sharp corners that appeared and lived with it. It's purely an aesthetic problem, the handles still work fine.
Yep same on the door handles on the '07 green car The paint is cracking and wearing off but the door handles are not cracking and are fine We leave them alone. The piece that lifts the trunk. Has tried to rip off several times so I put two micro screws down on the trapezoidal shape under the plate lites hasn't budged since now I make sure before winter comes I put some food grade silicone around the rubber hatch seal before we start the cold weather and then there's no pulling heavy hatches up anymore.
lol, what made you say that? I usually buy Prius because they are cheap to fix and tons of parts in the junkyard (just like BMWs and Volvos) For $50 a new hub fixed the grinding noise, a $10 coolant valve and blower fan (almost new) fixed most of the issues and it's running perfectly fine.. why on earth would you sell a perfectly running Prius for parts.. Most of the issues are cosmetics and the center trim from China is on the way (amazon special) the rest of the trim are from the junkyard for $8 each. I think I spent almost $150 to bring it back to decent condition.. I'll never buy a Prius with a failing ABS actuator though.. I'll run away as fast as I can.
Regarding the broken trunk garnish, amazon and ebay sell an aftermarket version with a metal bracket that eliminates the risk of it breaking. If i recall they're around 40-50 usd.
the upgraded version is double than that ($70-80+) in Amazon or Ebay... the ordinary ones in Amazon are so flimsy that they might not last. That's the one that the seller has (didn't install since the weather is cold) and it's in bad shape because they sanded and painted it like a 3yr old..worst hot glued the emblem.. I was able to find a decent one in the junkyard for $10 but it's colored white and I just painted it silver to match. I told my son not to use the handle when it's cold or the trunk didn't pop because it will definitely break. The replacement trunk garnish on my other Prius has a metal bracket on it but I don't know what model year it came from, I suspect Toyota did upgrade or resolved the issue maybe after 2007+ (?)
just confirmed that they have metal brackets starting on 2008 and also addressed the dry rotted (melted) rubber switch issue. if you ff at 1:15 you could see the bracket behind the switch.
Got all the issues sorted out including the oil leak that I have from the drain plug. A major oil change shop did a sloppy job of replacing the drain plug without a gasket. One of the reason why I do the oil change myself. It's registered and insured and been my daily driver (saving gas) The Amazon special vent trims are not that bad especially for the price, we'll see how it breaks on the next removal (if necessary repair is needed)
I've never seen a Toyota fan blower assembly look like that at all with three Phillips screws on the bottom and plastic and all that That's something else another country I don't even know what never seen that Corolla Prius Yaris that fan is not correct so they're just using it for a demonstration or something.
I find this one interesting too you know $7 or something no more than 25 depending upon who you're buying it from I can get various thicknesses too so if I have a cheap pipe that's ill made and I don't want to cut the flange protruding through down or something like that then make an extra thick gasket on and on and on I mean this is old stuff now this is not like we're working with a car that just came out so the aftermarket has all this basic stuff pretty well covered exhaust flange gaskets etc to steering racks purdy well covered and relatively inexpensively too