Please post the following information (include as much as possible) as you drive your car this month: Tank miles: Overall Miles: Avg Tank Mileage: Avg Overall Mileage: Avg Temperature: Price per Tank: Avg Price per Gallon: July MPG Averages June MPG Averages May MPG Averages April MPG Averages March MPG Averages 10 tanks of gas.
5925 miles with 116.159 gallons. Figures out to 51 mpg calculated 53.1 mpg average on the display. I have had the car 5 months. Jeff
The tank I got Saturday is holding around 53.2MPG after 130 miles. Down to 53.0, up to 53.4, etc. The last one hit 'stasis' around 48.9MPG, so this is better gas...
Thanks, Don. I updated your original post with the normal template/links & have stickied this post. I'll leave the July averages stickied until the 10th of the month to give everyone time to use the last of their July gas.
Mileage I just filled my White Pkg#9 for the first time. 10.1 gallons 453 miles 45MPG, Sure is a change from my Jeep Grand Cherokee at around 15-17 MPG. I am a VERY HAPPY CAMPER..
Tank miles: 746______refuel _____gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 30,953 Avg Tank Mileage: -- mpg by the screen / 57.7 mpg. by calculation Avg Overall Mileage: 59.63 mpg by calculation Avg temperature: 92 Price per Tank: $49.84 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.65($1=111Yen) 15.6 miles/$ _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 30,953.61 miles / 519.06 gallons = 59.63 mpg (25.35Km/L) 8/07/04
1690 mile trip last weekend. Columbia, SC to Lockport, NY, with a side trip to Hamburg, NY for the Erie County Fair. I-77 up to WV; Route 19 over to I-79; I-79 to I-90; I-90 to up near Lockport. I only recorded MPG at the point of filling up after 3 500+ mile sections, and didn't count the miles to Rock Hill, SC where I made my initial 4 gallon purchase to top off the existing tank and the last fillup: 49.9MPG 53.4MPG 52.7MPG Lots of mountains. Saw a completely full battery a couple of times when descending a steep mountain for 8 to 10 miles at a time. I guess the mountains are uphill more on the northbound drive, due to the lower MPG. Driving around to the Fair didn't drop the 53.4MPG much at all. I wish I'd pushed the speed limits like normal, though. I toed the speed limit, instead of my normal limit+5. Lost an hour each way that way. Next year, no babying the car...
Best tank so far. Currently reading 540 miles at 58.4 MPG. Using a good bit of AC in the afternoons, which causes quite a hit but the mornings have been pretty mild. 93 degree afternoons and 70 degree mornings. Still have two bars showing and will try for the elusive 700 mile tank on this effort but it looks like it will really be touch and go. I need to get a little more improvement in the displayed average, but I know there's 12+ gallons in there because I put it there. Go Prius!
An update on my current tank. I'm sitting at 58.7 MPG and 669 miles on the tank. Tomorrow I will get to 700 miles on the way to work or I will run out of gas trying. I have a gallon in the trunk just in case. By the time I get to work the mileage will read about 59 MPG as work is about 500 feet lower in elevation than home. My only concern is a big hill I have to climb. I'm afraid I may run out on the way up due to the gas pooling in the back of the tank. It has happened to others including Wayne. I think it cost him his 1000 mile tank he worked so hard for. Really hot here lately and the AC makes it really tough to keep the mileage up. Mornings are cool so I should be fine. Next week I will drive like mileage does not exist. I will take all the short trips I want and drive 7 mph over the limit on the highway set on cruise. I'll sit with the AC running if I want and all the other things I avoided this week. If anyone ever says the Prius can't get 55 MPG in mixed driving you tell them, "no it can't, but the driver of one can."
My most recent Tank. Went on my 1st wedding anniversary to Mendicino from SF. Got 51.3MPG over 505 miles on my original 2001 model Prius.
Not doing badly here. At approx 8,000 miles, averaging about 51 to 52 MPG. Using the A/C will bring that down to around 50 mpg. I haven't been babying it as much as those first few months of ownership. So, I'm taking a mile or two per gallon hit by worrying less about the MPGs. But I'm enjoying it much more by not being quite so anal about the MPGs. Lovin' the ride, less worried about MPGs, and still getting 50 mpg with no problem. This is a good vehicle.
1st tank I bought my blue #9 June 29th, 2004. I continued to drive my gas-guzzling V8 AWD Explorer until it sold. Just filled my gas tank for the first time. I got 593 miles out of the first tank (of course that included lots of time just sitting with the Prius running while the jealous/curious friends checked it out!). I've been averaging in the 49.4-50.3 mpg with an average outdoor temperature of 115 in Phoenix. A far cry better than the 16mpg I got in the Explorer. A very very happy camper and proud to be helping our environment too. AZ Prius
1st tank I bought my blue #9 June 29th, 2004. I continued to drive my gas-guzzling V8 AWD Explorer until it sold. Just filled my gas tank for the first time. I got 593 miles out of the first tank (of course that included lots of time just sitting with the Prius running while the jealous/curious friends checked it out!). I've been averaging in the 49.4-50.3 mpg with an average outdoor temperature of 115 in Phoenix. A far cry better than the 16mpg I got in the Explorer. A very very happy camper and proud to be helping our environment too. AZ Prius
Average Temp 33C Most km per tank 835km berfore run out gas 44(13 gallon) liter to fill up Average km per tank 765km Average fill up 34liter Average Km/l 23km/l Average gas price 110yen
Tank 1 7/30-8/04 431 Miles 7.000 Gallons $1.889/Gal Calculated Mileage: 61.6 Screen Mileage 57.2 Tank 2 8/4-8/16 457 Miles 8.247 Gallons $1.879/Gal Calculated Mileage 55.45 Screen Mileage 58.7 Tank 3 8/16-8/24 454 Miles 8.160 Gallons $1.899/Gallon Calculated Mileage 55.6 Screen Mileage 58.1 Temps 70s-80s Aug Calculated Mileage: 57.34 Aug Screen Mileage 58.02 Current tank 58.4 on the screen at 260 Miles About 8300 Miles Traveled Lifetime Calculated Mileage 54.2 Lifetime Screen Mileage 55.3 Maybe the TSB will get me past the 8 gallon tanks
Aug MPG Tank 1 ( fill up every 4 weeks...) Miles 433 Gallons 9.3 Price $2.02/galon Calculated 46 Screen 44.9 Temp. ?? SF Bay Area Summer... cas (best mileage so far... did more long distance driving. 2 mile commute makes for lousy mpg rates) Driftwood #7 arrived April '04 approx 2000 total miles
My first week! Saints be praised! My very first week with my Prius and I am blown away! Tank miles: 450 Overall Miles: 450 Avg Tank Mileage: 47.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.2 Avg Temperature: 90 Price per Tank: I will let you know....someday! Avg Price per Gallon: 2 bucks Been running the AC everyday and still fablous mileage! Down to 1 fuel bar so a fill up tomorrow.
Tank miles: 1733.3 Overall Miles: 28500 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.5 Avg Temperature: low to mid 90's
Fuel Economy Yesterday I took a 200 mile trip on I-29 and averaged 52mpg for the trip but when I got home in Kansas City, with its hills, the mpg went down to around 43mpg. I was happy with the hiway mileage but very disgusted with the city driving mileage.
2004 Prius: Two tank fillups in August. 48.5mpg & 51.5mpg Temp - 80s Mix of freeway and in-town $1.96/gallon Cumulative mileage since purchase 3-11-2004 = 45.5mpg My wife has an '02 Prius whose cumulative mpg over almost 3 yrs is 42.5mpg, driven under same conditions as our '04. Since I have not had the '04 Prius for a full year, I expect its cumulative mpg for a year to drop slightly below the '02 Prius overall average since mostly colder weather remains til 3-11-2005 - my guess is it'll average about 41.0 for a whole year in Columbus, OH. No complaints from me.