Hello I have a 08 Prius with 420,00 the car keeps overheating and can't find the leak took out the radiator inspected everything looks good also pressure tested to 25 psi and not a drop came out. But I keep getting check engine light with code p1150 and I think 1151. Has anyone had problem with air getting in through the storage tank pump? The pump still works I know because I jumped the relay to purge the system and I heard it come on and it sucked the coolant down the funnel when I jumped the relay I only get the code/check engine light when I start the car in the morning I erase it and it and it doesn't come back until the next morning or when I turn off the car for an extended period of time. This is the only thing I can think of that is causing my car to overheat it is pushing coolant through the reservoir tank. Thanks for any help also the water pump and thermostat are brand new as well as all the other pumps.
'overheating' doesn't have to mean there's a leak. Writing "the leak" sounds like you do think there is one. Is the level going down?
Yes the level is going down it is pushing coolant through the reservoir tank. I meant to say air leak through the pump and code 1150
Can you still get the code 1150 even if the pump is working? Do y'all think I just still have air in the system?
Not if the coolant level's going down sure it's filling up the void I mean how much cool did you put in from your gallon container when you go to fill the system that's your end all be all guide right there pretty much. Usually I sit there and fill the system at a trickle and comes up the neck sits at the little hole that goes to the reservoir tank tube and then all of a sudden you see air bubbles suck it down to where you can't see coolant I feel it back up to the neck again and then see the glub glub and four more in and keep doing that until it no longer drops It's literally stops at the top of the filler neck by stand there for 10 minutes now nothing will happen now I fill up the jug where I supposed to have it and then I put a little more in the radiator neck to make it run into the tube for the jug and then cap it in my '09 and 45 days I'll be able to repeat this process and I can find no coolant anywhere. I thought with the coolant heat storage tank it could be the temp sensor too in that system there's one on the side of the tank I'm sure you can test it. You said you have the pump running by jumping it so it should be working there's also a test where you can come out 4 hours and 45 minutes after the shutdown you initiated that many hours ago wait 15 minutes and at the fifth hour you should hear the pump come on to sample the temperature in the CHS tank and then it turns right off that to me would prove that the pump is working generally like it's supposed to and the call the sample at 5 hours is working I believe this information is in the factory manual.
I put about a gallon and a half in because I took out the radiator out to inspect it see if I can find a leak you can't really see the radiator through the fan shroud. I'll keep a tab now.
You are definitely in a place where the system is going to be put to the test for sure Conroe Texas is no joke but the Prius should survive down there quite well it does very well in the heat You just need to make sure you're running the air conditioner so that your battery can get the coolest air going to it after you're finished with it cooling you off that is If you don't have air conditioning this could be potentially a big problem in the Big heat of Texas absolutely If you can't get that fixed like it needs the evaporator replaced well you're going to either have to slow down or get another car or shell out the three grand to fix the evaporator those are pretty much your choices Yaris and Corolla have come down since the pandemic I see them all over the place they do quite well in the heat and the Yaris almost gets the gas mileage of the Prius with no batteries no silly business just sensible driving and windows up and air conditioning on.
Thank y’all for the help. Wound up being head gasket tryed the blue devil pouring go so far so good 600 miles. Now I’m looking for an engine and someone to replace it I don’t have the tools or the room to do it any suggestions.
Make sure to get the Blue Devil out of the radiator and heater core and EGR cooler and EHRS exchanger, too.
There are places that have sprouted up all over the continental USA dealing with just the generation 3 2ZZFXE issue only got guys that'll swap an engine out and 6 hours while you wait with an hour of runtime at their facility for $2,500 I think there's a person in Texas doing similar so it should not be an issue at all this should be easily taken care of even possibly while you wait so on and so forth Make a trip out of it look on Facebook marketplace you'll see these garages all over the place I've talked to several owners and everything If you've got three grand to spend they'll get you fixed right up these places some of them are so new some of their work hasn't even been out there a year yet and more are opening I don't see how anybody's making anything out of this but they're there get to them before they close up shop I guess they are all over the place I can't even think of the names of them there's so many of them popping up they're in my Facebook feed and on all the Prius groups on Facebook there's a guy in Ohio I think Arizona Illinois or Idaho area guy in Texas etc you'll find them they are voicing what's happening loudly.