Lexus Made The Most Efficient Electric Crossover On Sale. Here's How ( "We asked Lexus for details on how the base model RZ quietly became one of the most efficient EVs on sale. The base model gets 125 MPGe, equivalent to roughly 3.7 miles per kWh including charging losses. That's more efficient than a Tesla Model Y. It's the most efficient EV SUV on sale, and one of the most efficient EVs period. Lexus spokesperson Laura Finley confirmed 125 MPGe as the correct rating."
Good for them, but it just eeks out the Model Y, which is saddled with AWD and longer range. Does Tesla use SiC for the electronics? Toyota gave us something to point too for those decrying adding more air to the tires. "On top of that, the 300e has a higher factory tire pressure: 42.1 psi instead of 33.4 psi."
The market is getting crowded with limited buyers. Soon the Chevy Equinox and reimagined Bolt will be available which seem to be a good fit for the current market both price wise and with desired features. In another year the all electric Toyota Highlander will make its American debut. Built in in the USA with an electric battery from Toyota's USA Battery Plant meeting all qualification for incentives. Speaking only for myself I would like to see all government incentives abolished- with the financial shape our country is currently in it has no business funding much of anything other than public safety. Hopefully a lot of EV choices in the future - right now the problem is buyers.
Huh I just priced the Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive Model Y for $449/mo 36 month lease versus a Lexus dealer offering $399/mo for 36 months (including added packages worth $1,240 but that's typical of Lexus). The RZ 450e does use SiC for their inverters but not sure about RZ 300e although they probably would as they have the same front E-Axle. Still the Lexus can't beat the Tesla Range or DCFC charge speeds since the the RZ 300e has the CATL battery. Lexus fixed the original charging speed of the CATL so its the same as the PPES battery and fixed the cold-weather battery performance, but the charging speed is still abysmal compared to the Tesla Model Y.
That Tesla isn't a 2023 or 2024 model, nor are 2025 models for Tesla up on You have to put another $2000 down for the Lexus deal, and the Model Y is about $10k less if bought, before incentives. The OP article was claiming the 450e was using silicon. The 300e has SiC. In addition to the pressure difference, the FWD model doesn't have the wider tires on the rear. More effort was put into getting a better rating beyond just dropping the rear motor.