I have seen user @Eric "v" talk about this and others say it helps. The idea is to add a ground wire to the throttle body and ground it. The throttle body is floating and not actually grounded as it sits on the plastic intake manifold. Anyone else try this and what are your thoughts.
The throttle body is getting zero ground from it being mounted to the intake manifold. Being attached to metal studs is not being grounded, since the manifold is plastic. There is one black wire in the harness and that is it and it is thin and long. A shorter thicker ground is better.
Is this about gen 3? Are you thinking the black wire to D4 is a ground? Have you thought of looking it up? There are two electrical devices on the throttle body: the throttle actuator motor, and the throttle position sensor. Which do you expect to work better if you "add a ground wire"? Both? One? Which one?
I have no idea but a simple ground wire to the body of the TB can be added or removed very easy. Just wanted to see if anyone else has done it.
No chap I just want to add an extra doodad to my engine buddy. All placebo for sure and thank you for pointing it all out for me.
I already understand that pointing it all out for you is a lost cause. On the other hand, other people also read PriusChat threads (if they didn't, how would they be able to find your products and discount codes?) and there could be hope for them. The fun thing about this particular mod is the way it keeps getting recycled on PriusChat (2005, 2012, 2015). The pattern is sort of repetitive, in the way the poster who eventually makes a commercial plug of some sort always starts the thread with a post like "gee, I've heard of people doing this, anybody tried it?". I just noticed this is in the gen 3 forum, so there aren't really any questions here that weren't answered in the 2015 go-round that was in the v forum (same throttle body and manifold). I was sort of expecting the next appearance to be in one of the gen 4 or 5 forums, so at least it could say "who knows? maybe the new wiring's different."
I will just get a ground cable and try it out. Anything I say cant be true though with guys like you around to toss their two cents and condescending sarcasm. I will wait for your next expected reply.
Some say this gets you: This little mod seemingly combines all the benefits of a RedBullet solenoid, a NexCell battery pack, Pulstar spark plugs, a FuelGenie system, AND a Ganador muffler (did I miss one?)! So I guess there's no need to buy all that other expensive crap anymore?