hello I just bought 2010 Prius I think its a IV, is that Prius 4? I'm 67 yes old am confused on how to do everything.The manual that came with car pictures for working radio has different pic in book and says I need navigation book? Please help me I'm confused on how to hook my phone up lol any answers would be greatly appreciated for this old nana
Same problem here A bunch of buttons you can push to connect your phone Bluetooth to the car there are probably some manuals you are missing I don't have them either they are extensive for the navigation and the radio I think you can view them online if you just Google them you know like navigation manual for a 2010 Prius and boom you'll have more reading than you want
All of the manuals that would come in the glove box, like owners', warranty and maintenance, navigation, etc., are over on techinfo.toyota.com and they are on the free side of the paywall.
congrats and welcome! how many miles on her? yes, that's a 4, not a dripintravenous-line.html search: gen 3 egr