Hey everyone, Bought the car from a private party with the AC not working. Been slowly investigating since. The most recent discovery is that the narrow hard line (high pressure valve) that runs down into the right front fender seems to be meant to go into something but there's nothing there for it to go into. Somebody help please. Thanks, Carsten
I think the narrow hard line you're talking about is #7 here, which I think would attach to the condenser (#1 here). Condenser looks like a radiator, but with finer fins, out in front of the engine's radiator. Does your car have a condenser? The compressor (#8) would attach to the small line #3, also to the condenser, and the fatter suction line #4. How many parts is your car missing? Has it got the compressor? If it has been sitting for a while with no condenser and these lines just open to moisture-laden air, it might or might not come back to life easily, after just getting the missing parts and putting it all together. Certainly, hold a good vacuum on it for a long time before charging with refrigerant.
Thanks for the write up. Yes, do have a condenser and compressor. I took the cover off that goes over the radiator etc in the engine compartment so i could get a view from above and was able to see the port where the end of that skinny line plugs into. So now I wonder did someone just forget to hook it up or did a snap ring break or...? I need to get the front wheel to the edge of my pit so I can get a better look from below