My daughter’s ‘02 had a mouse house in her cabin air filter. We removed it the best we could but some of the junk fell down inside. Is there any way to get to it to clean it all out?
A lot of times I take the computer attachments for my Shop-Vac from the Shop-Vac corporation the tool set you can buy it right in Walmart and I use it to reach down into the fan that blows the air throughout the car The cabin filters above or to the side of that so when you pull it out the droppings and the microscopic mess the mice are making fall down into that fan and if you turn it on they can be blown around to the ductwork so before that happens I take the computer extension the little 45° piece attach it to the end of my Shop-Vac and stick that down into the fan well with the fan not running and try to suck up any pieces that fell through when I pull the tray out that houses the cabin air filter you'll hear the little pieces and what not as you especially the hard mouse dropping as they get sucked up into the shop vac once that stops and everything's pretty quiet you can pretty much bet you've got all of the particulars now you can add a new filter to the tray and close it up from the outside of the car you can add some mouse screen if you pull the windshield wiper tray out you'll see the openings that you need to cover that will help out greatly keep the rodents fed on your property and they may stop bothering your car. Make them something better to nest in they may stop bothering your vehicle Don't leave things that they can shred up to make bedding with and stuff in your vehicle
Vacuum clean. Then blow. Then vacuum some more, back and forth. To keep them out, cover the cabin air intake securely with 1/4" (opening size) galvanized steel mesh; hardware stores sell it. Wouldn't hurt to similarly mesh the engine air intake. And the two air outlets, at the back corners of the hatch, below the floor level. I've yet to do those on our Gen 3.
What Mendel said. The 1/4" wire mesh screen is very effective against mice. I've had one on the top side of my cabin air filter for years. Just as a side note, you can wash the cabin air filter in ordinary dish detergent solution, dry and re-use. Of course if it's mouse- chewed you should toss it and get a new one.