break into gen2 Prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by Tombukt2, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    What's the quickest least painful way to break into a generation 2 the remotes in the car locked up the red key is flashing so I guess the security system is armed but it won't go off no matter what I do to the car I'd rather not destroy it I could break a window I have plenty of them but I'm just wondering if there's a faster way none of my normal lock Jimmy in tools work because of the cable and all of that It's not mechanical
  2. jdenenberg

    jdenenberg EE Professor

    Nov 21, 2005
    Trumbull, CT
    2020 Prius
    LE AWD-e
    There is a physical key in the remote. It is attached to the key ring and there is a release button.

  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yeah unfortunately the remote is locked in the car sitting on the ledge of the multifunction display this is a full SKS remote car I don't know how in the world the car locked and with the remote in it and it's the only one I have so that's the thing If I try to create space between the door frame and the door jamb it makes unsightly marks on the car body but I guess that's just going to have to do because I can't there's nothing I can put behind it that won't dent the same way and go right through and then dent the hay pillar the same way but that's why I drive these old cars so no big deal just for a reference people like Pop-A-Lock and whatnot they want $200 to open the car of course I laughed at them I know the thieves have electronic boxes that can keep throwing codes at the car until it finally opens I don't have such things so there's always that doesn't look like there's any special way to open any thing. The cable activation for the door lock and everything make it so that using regular lockout tools yields you nothing unless there's some kind of button or something I can actually push on the door lock mounted in the door that the cables run too but I don't have the manual to know of such a thing exists I don't think so though and I'm already in the car it just makes unsightly marks on the a pillar so now it really looks lived in thieves will go buy it for sure and will never touch it and that's okay with me I guess that's how all of them are now here
  4. T1 Terry

    T1 Terry Active Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    2006 Prius
    Plug-in Advanced
    Had the painful experience of this a while back, cost me $450 for 5 mins max work.
    I'm guessing they have these things at the local hardware store over there Fast Hinge Air Pump: Lift Doors, Level Furniture. put one near the top of the upright window frame and one towards the front of the top window frame rail. Get a coat hanger or stiff metal rod, shape it so you can connect under the inside door handle and a handle on the outside to twist the rod. Lift the inside handle and the door will open ... that easy, really p*sses you off when you paid big $$ for such a simple job ....

    T1 Terry
    Meg&Bear likes this.
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I can't get the airbags in my generation too You've got to get a screwdriver in there or something and really pry out on that window frame I'm standing here looking at it right now I did it with my big keystone screwdriver not a pry bar but a screwdriver and it really makes a mess of the a pillar as you bend a screwdriver over You're going to hit the a pillar dent but like I say these cars are so old it just doesn't matter anymore they're all my work vehicles I guess you can't keep one nice because anything goes on with it then this kind of crap. But it's all good got scrapes and other things on it already too so I don't try to keep these any kind of way this is not a car that you spend your time polishing and waxing and stuff. I always leave the window cracked I have a heavy rod that I use to flick the door handle out that unlocks the door I don't know why the window was always up and when I pulled into the driveway someone was there to greet me and I got to talking to them and didn't do what I'm supposed to do and raspberry and there you go oh well that just doesn't really matter I guess But yeah I have the pump up air things from home Depot got two of them two different sizes to get them in there and to have them pump up shoot might need a air compressor and out of hand pump or else this green car the door is very tight All four doors on this car are very tight I got a '06 black car that you can stick your fingers in between the door frame and that gasket and pull it open with your hand and stick the rod in there but not this green car this thing's almost like brand new as far as the four doors the seals and all that fit I mean I've seen the guy do it for 2 to $500 I have most of the stuff he has not all of it but a lot of it next I need to look at the code grabbing boxes and whatnot so I can just push a button and make the thing unlock like the criminals do
  6. T1 Terry

    T1 Terry Active Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    2006 Prius
    Plug-in Advanced
    I was able to use a piece of cloth under the screwdriver to move the top corner of the door out far enough to slip the bag in between the door seal and the door frame, pump it up a bit with the hand pump to get enough room to slip the other air bag in the top. Progressively worked it like that till I could get a coat hanger in, not a five second in and gone thing, so not an easy quick open and grab something and run off type of thing ..... didn't think about using the inside door handle, I was trying to flip the lock ..... the car lock bloke had a stiff steel rod and was in there in no time

    T1 Terry
    Meg&Bear likes this.
  7. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Somewhere here on the property I have this long steel rod with an l-shaped bent in it and it is like I don't know maybe quarter inch diameter but it's pretty stout usually I can bend that inside the window frame and grab the door handle with the l pull the door handle out it unlocks the car and the doors hitting me in the front while I'm standing there doing this and then I just pull it and then my little rod falls down and all that hits the ground and this is a long piece of metal I have it's probably 4 ft maybe five but I couldn't find it that's been a long time since I've had to use it usually with the Prius on side I try to leave the window just slightly cracked It's enough to get a that piece of metal or something like that in there and flick the door handle should you need to but usually SKS won't allow the doors to lock with the remote docked right on the lip of the MFD You can close the doors open the trunk do whatever and usually nothing will happen so it was just kind of weird.
  8. dbstoo

    dbstoo Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Near Silicon Valley
    2024 Prius Prime
    XSE Premium
    The lock in the driver's door of a 2004 -> 2009 Prius uses just a few of the key cuts. It's fairly easy to pick for most professional locksmiths. It takes no battery to unlock the door with the emergency key.

    Chances are that the key fob was left inside the car and the door was manually locked when the 12V battery was already dead.
    Meg&Bear likes this.
  9. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Well unfortunately yeah I guess that could happen this is my car sitting out in the driveway actually that this happened to and everything was completely live I was surprised I couldn't wake the car up by kicking it or I don't know setting off the alarm something but anyway yeah interesting for sure I need to get what the criminals have which is I don't know what it's called but programmable code generator or something