This question is PRIMEarily (haha!) for those of you who live in warm climates, and already have your P.Primes in hand: Do you find, especially when you operate in EV mode, that the battery cooling fan kicks in a lot? If so, how loud is it from the drivers seat?
I've heard it come on a few times when pulling up the driveway and into the garage when outside temp is over 75 f and I turn off audio prior to shutdown. Haven't really noticed it while driving due to traffic noise or music.
Good info, thanks. You partly answered "how loud" (thanks), but with the stereo off, would you describe it as ... "barely noticeable", "reasonably quiet," "a little annoying," or...? In terms of how often, you mentioned occasionally noticing it after you turn off the stereo. Is that driving in HV or EV? iPhone ? Pro
No answers huh? Mine is a bit noisy. Not too loud but coming on often and I live in Las Vegas. I was wondering the same thing.
Mine is barely noticeable most of the time. I watch the battery temp on Hybrid Assistant, and below around 95F I almost never hear the fan. Around 95F I start to barely hear it. The fan speed seems proportional to driving speed to try to keep it quieter than the road noise. At higher temps I can hear it slightly when I'm stopped. I think the highest battery temp I've ever seen is 106F. I imagine it's easy to get hotter than that in hot places. You should try to keep the battery cool to keep it healthy. Always say yes to the traction battery cooler prompt when you see it (it's off by default unless you manually say yes every time). If you miss it, you can drive a foot and turn off the car and it will appear again. Try to park in the shade when you can. Blast the AC because cabin air is what cools the battery. Park with the windows open if it's going to be cooler outside than inside the car. Avoid leaving the battery fully charged in the heat of the day if you can (apparently heat does the most damage at high states of charge).