I read online wherever I search that my 2010 is beltless, yet when I look under the hood on the passenger side I swear I see a belt. I called a Toyota dealer today and asked about it and a service rep looked it up and said it's the water pump drive belt. I have 100k on my Prius and that's the time when I generally put new belts and hoses on a car...just to be sure. Why don't I see any replacements for this belt online? Why don't I see any talk anywhere? Has anyone else here changed this belt?
Some hint where you are would help. In North America, model years do not closely follow calendar years. Other locations do.
OK, if you have a 1500cc engine it's a second generation Prius, probably a 2009, even though they may have called it a 2010. Check the date of manufacture on the drivers door jamb. This car will have a mechanical water pump, driven by a belt. If you have an 1800cc engine (grooved plastic silver coloured decoration on the top of the engine) you have no mechanical water pump and no belt. This will be a third generation Prius. You should be able to identify it with this information, but if not, see my Avatar on the left. That is a third generation body. The second generation is different.