I just had my 2014 plug in prius serviced at the mechanic a week ago. I then took it to get smogged and it failed. The check engine light was on and the smog guy said the code was P1423. Clearly I don't want to take the car back for service if there is something easy to fix, so I googled and saw P1423 comes up when there is a problem with the fuel cap, among other things. I got a new Toyota fuel cap for my model hoping replacing it would make the check engine light go off, however the light stayed on after I replaced the cap. I know the problem could be more than just the fuel cap, and I do have an appointment at the mechanic for Saturday in case I can't get this figured out before then, but I'm hoping to figure it out. Is there a step I can try to take to get the check engine light to reset? Thanks for your help! Elizabeth
Get someone with a code reader to clear that code, or carefully disconnect the negative terminal on the 12V battery for 30 seconds and reconnect. Neither method is guaranteed to keep the light off, but it is worth a try. BTW, do you top off the gas when you are filling? This is a bad idea and messes up the fuel vapor capture system.
Thank you so much. I will give it a try. I don't top off the gas when refilling, so I should be fine on that accord. I appreciate your help
Thanks for the tip! I'll run errands and hope it clears up. If not, I'll try to do the battery thing or borrow a scanner.
Thanks everyone for your help. The light went off. You guys saved me a lot of money- I really appreciate it.
Keep in mind that if disconnecting the negative 12 volt battery cable is the easy way to erase fault codes, but I wouldn't recommend it before getting an emissions test. The evap system needs to be in a ready state to pass the emissions test, and that can take some driving the car while the evap system is functional before it switches to it's ready state, which a decent scanner will show, like the scanners used during the emissions tests, ready or not ready. The other two EVAP system issues listed for your DTC besides the gas cap and related leaking gas filler pipe issues are the EVAP Canister and the EVAP Canisters shut valve. Even a simple scan tools should? be able to detect the Prius Evap system and clear the code. Should, but don't hold me to that, OK