Hello helpful folks, my daughter in law comes to me regularly with complaints, concerns, needs on her 2015. The latest is the horn doesn't sound. I know very little about the Prius. All I have found out so far is that there are no fuses for it, and that maybe the horn button (steering wheel cover) is faulty. Any help on the Likelys would be appreciated.
you can download the schematic from techinfo.toyota.com, and trace the problem. might be the horn, vermin chewed wiring, clock spring, difficult to say. try the horn button whilst turning the wheel from stop to stop
Thanks, I got it to work turning the wheel. Apparently a faulty spiral cable is likely. How does the horn button panel come off? I’m hesitating to just pry away.
good question. outside of accessing the service manual, i would post a new thread asking the question. maybe you'll catch someone's eye who has done it. also, search clock spring, spiral cable. someone might have a write up. do a google search, it's more effective than the search function here.