It should snap back together; if you didn't break the plastic latches or plastic connectors that hooks into it.
It's often harder to snap one back into place from a misalignment than it is to completely pop it off the car and pop it back on. Plus that would give you a chance to replace any broken or missing connector clips. There are youtube videos showing every step of the how.
This usually results from running the bumper/fairing into a curb or pulling it out on a parking stop with a rebar sticking up a bit. I suspect you have quite a few busted plastic rivet retainers and that snap assembly, at that seam. The repair is just time consuming, requires some space, and <$75 in parts, mostly plastic retainers. Watch the YouTube videos, they snap apart fairly easily if you place the car on some low ramps. My suggestion is lay the assembly on the grass or lay-down some cardboard and beach towels - so you don't accidentally mar any of the painted surfaces. Good Luck.... FYI, you can use zip-ties in place of the plastic rivet retainers, but you'll get a better alignment and outcome by replacing the plastic retainers.
There's a clip under that part of the front bumper cover. It looks like this Normally, that part of the front bumper cover snaps into the slot under the clips where the arrows are. There's a screw just inside the wheel well that holds the bumper cover in place. You may have to pull out that screw and pull the cover out and to the side then work it back in place starting at the headlight and working to the side. If the clip underneath, it's not an expensive, or hard part to replace. Don't trust this part number, look it up for yourself if you need to replace it.
@Mnext02 If you get lucky - simply pushing the bumper cover back in will fix it. If you're not so lucky and the bumper cover slips back out like shown in your pics, that is typically an indication that the bumper cover is not aligned exactly right, and that can be a pita to fix, but it can be done by removing both sides of the bumper cover and fitting both of those ends into there mating clips to align the bumper and than replacing the rest of the mounting hardware you had to remove to realign the bumper.