I want to add a cargo net to my new 09. The kind that go from one side to the other. The one I have seen available only attaches to the (cheap) plastic on the side of the cargo area, near the rear latches for the tonneau cover. This seems weak to me, and besides I am too cheap to buy it when I have a perfectly good one from my poor old 93 Camry that just died. It has attachments that have a big beefy screw thread and go straight into holes in the car body itself. Here's the question: how do I remove the cheap plastic thingies to see what's behind there, and will I be able to drill a roughly 1/4 inch hole in whatever metal is there? I am a woodworker and have no experience drilling metal. I also don't want to end up drilling all the way through to the outside, either! Appreciate your replies. Mark S.
I'm a bit curious about your situation, because it sounds as though something has changed from my '07 to your '09. I put in the Toyota cargo net when I got the car. It attaches at four points. The two bottom points attach at the metal D-rings at the junction of the floor and the hatch opening. The two top points attach to plastic D-rings that were not there in the stock model. These two D-rings came in the packet with the cargo net. It doesn't seem as though they'd be as sturdy as the metal D-rings, but then I don't know how the metal D-rings are attached. In any event, the whole setup has withstood 20+ months of use. If my car weren't in the body shop (thanks to a hit-and-run nutcase), I'd take pictures to show you.
Not sure if it's the same in the 04' as it is in yours a priori, but here's a great site with step by step instructions, pictures included. 2004 Prius Cargo Net Install
Here is where I got mine, for my 07 Prius: 2004-2009 Toyota Prius Cargo Net Envelope Style Black I am just not sure if it would fit the same for your 2009 model. __________________ engine wiring harness
I'm talking about the envelope-type one (hangs vertically between the walls), not the one that attaches to the D-rings horizontally.The OEM Toyota one just attaches to the plastic on the walls of the cargo area, as shown in the detailed instructions referred to by Paradox. To me, that seems like a recipe for disaster. That plastic is thin, cheap, and brittle. My question is whether or not that metal can be drilled, and also how to detach the plastic to see what's behind there.
I just noticed that the envelope-type net does attach to the D-rings at the bottom. I'm still queasy about the top attachments (to the plastic), though.
The cargo net is rated to hold up to 30 lb. The D-rings attached to the plastic work OK. You must drill the exact diameter hole specified in the instructions, so I suggest you go out and buy the correct drill bit if it is not already in your toolbox.
I have the cargo net, the top two plastic rings fit and hold just fine, solid and looks good, wouldn't worry about it at all.
I bought an used cargo net from ebay without snap-in d-rings. Anybody knows from where can I get them? Thanks a lot. Dani
OK, thanks everybody, I'll stop worrying about it. I, too, would like to know where to get the plastic mounts separately. Mark
I installed the Toyota cargo net right after I bought my '08, and it appears to be tight and secure. The plastic isn't really that thin. I figure it will do what it is supposed to do as long as I don't overload it. It's basically for light loose items. I'm satisfied with it and I'm a structural engineer by trade.
Hi Dani & Mark, The cargo net installation instructions do not provide a part number for the plastic D-rings, so I do not believe they can be separately ordered.
If the top D-rings aren't available by themselves, might the following alternative work ... I'd consider getting two of the anchors made for drywall use when there is no stud inside the spot you want to attach to. I don't mean the ones which somewhat resemble an ice cream cone, and which deform outwards somewhat when a screw is turned into it. Specifically, I'm thinking of the metal anchors which look like a torpedo at first (usually with a sharp point), and which (after placing through the hole in the surface) one turns its screw to cause the inside of the hanger to deform and lock against the inside of the surface. I'd then either use the screw it came with to attach a hook/ring of your choosing, or possibly find a screw-eye which will screw into the hanger. Might this work?
I believe this question has come up before, and I think the answer offered here by Patrick was the answer to that earlier question. Sorry! It it probably worth it to look into something like Aegison suggests: I think I'd like to know the depth and width room behind the plastic before drilling through it. I like the concept, though.
You're better off using the stock plastic D-Rings, if you can find them. I wrote the VFAQ on the install, have installed them on many cars, and those D-rings can hold up to a lot, but also have an advantage - they can pop out if hit with too much. I was pulling a vary large box out of my 04, and it smacked the plastic D-ring, and it popped out. I just popped it back in, never had a problem since. A fitting that was hard screwed into the metal behine could actually damage the quarter panel trim more if hit with cargo, as the screw might bend and crack the plastic. There are times when pop-pins make sense, this is one of them.
I have an extra set of some of the D-Ring plastic mounts. When I bought my Prius from the dealer it already had them installed, but no actual cargo net. So, they ordered a new one. That new one had the plastic D-rings in them. If anyone wants them, just PM me your address and I'll put it in the mail. I'll edit this post when it has been taken. --They have now been claimed, Thanks!!--
Here is a picture of the plastic D-rings for the Prius cargo net, when ordered from Toyota (including part number). I don't recall if this came as individual or pairs...