I decided to replace the headlight bulbs on my 2007 Prius to some Xeon Bulbs. I assumed replacing them would be an easy procedure, however after looking in my repair manual it says I have to remove the engine splash guards and the front bumber cover (about 20+ screws and bolts) which will be a major job. Looking under the hood I can see the cover on the back of the headlamp assembly and am wondering if I can simply remove the bulbs from under the hood. Has anyone replaced headlamp bulbs this way or do you actually have to remove the bumper?
This is part 2, #1 is easy to find once your there, think its the right hand list. Brilliant, took me 20 minutes.
I would not recommend attempting to change Prius headlight bulbs to my worst enemy. First, I go to AutoZone who tells me the bulbs are $130 each - I end up finding them at Walmart on-line for $30 for 2 of them - but I should have never started this job. You will end up with broken Prius parts, cut hands, lost bulbs (which requires you to buy 2 sets) - not to mention parts left over? OMG a black O-ring? Where did that come from? I don't see it anywhere in the factory manual. Never found the lost bulbs that disappeared somewhere in the front headlight assembly (an area only 60% larger than the size of the bulb) - so wisely, I finally gave up, and threw the car away and never drove it again. I don't need this kind of frustration in my life.