I've seen two other posts like it, but I've got 6 Gmail invites myself - if anyone is interested, PM me with the email address you'd like me to send an invite to. -Rick
wow this is WEIRD!! i applied for a gmail account the day it was available several months ago and received nothing (actually i applied 4 times using every email account i had) but now we have several people giving them away. and all have 6 accounts to give out? i would ask for one but just started mine today with an invite from Sun_Tzu who also has 6 to give away. i also noticed that Pshady has a handful to give out too. does this mean that Google is close to a public release of Gmail?? i think that (along with everythingelse Google has done) gmail will revolutionize the internet again. just as graphical browsers brought in a large group of people, and google search became practically indispensible, i think gmail will soon generate a whole new capability that we cant even begin to understand yet. (however, i think the people at Google have an inkling of what it could do)
I got 5 last week, and was able to pass a few out to friends at work. When I was down to one, I got 5 more just a couple of days ago. I'm guessing they are getting close and perhaps are now considering load testing with a mass of new registrations. -Rick
Yeah, I had wanted one for awhile, and got an invite from a friend (who got it from a friend, etc. etc.) I think it might still be a few months before they go public. They still lack some very basic feature for an email service (like saving a draft of your email while you're still writing it). Actually, I've read some interesting things about gmail. I think the site was www.gmailisscary.com (but I can't find it again now). Something about how your email is stored forever, which could be a problem if you're, say, conducting illegal energy trading for Enron and talking about it in your emails.
All gone - thanks for those who responded. I trash what I don't need and archive anything semi-relevant. Just because I can keep it doesn't mean I will Now if they keep it regardless of "trashed" status, that is scary :-(
no its not scary. lets face it, the real question is what do you get that you should be scared about? i suggest you stop downloading pirated movies and software, tell your mistress its over, imform your buddy in Afghanistan that our secrets will remain our secrets, and tell your shady 4th cousin that you no longer are interested in that sure thing stock deal.
You should remember to empty your trash (you have to do that manually, otherwise it'll apparently stay forever). Even after you trash and empty, apparently they might keep a copy of it around somewhere for awhile. They also apparently have agreements with state, local and Federal governments around the world that allow them to conduct searches. Or at least someone thought the legal language allowed for that sort of thing. On the one hand, I don't think most law-abiding citizens should really be worried, since they don't have anything to hide. On the other hand, someone thumbing through your emails is akin to a wiretap on your phones and a search of your house. Of course I have nothing to hide in my house or my conversations, but I still don't want them doing either. The balancing of liberties and security has never been an easy job.
This thread seems way OT from Prius. However, why is a gmail account a 'hot' commodity. Why should I want one? What's wrong with my good old regular email account(s)? My sister-in-law offered me one last night, but I don't understand why I would want another email account.
gmail offers nearly unlimited storage. (the average person will never have to delete another email for the rest of their life) also, the best part is now the reknowned google search engine can be set to search the text of all your emails. for me its a godsend. i am a member of several computer tech forums and have passed around fixes, and links to special software that is needed to fix very specific problems. in the past, i was forced to archive the emails into something that i could find later on... the archiving ive done, the finding later on has proven to be beyond my skill level for the most part. many of the problems i speak of come up so infrequently, that it is impossible to search through multiple hard drives on my 5 computers looking for it. google if it works as advertised would be WAAAY better than sliced bread.