And that's why I don't let my dogs watch "YouTube" videos..... They don't need to learn more BAD tricks.
The parking lot where I used to work is surrounded by nut trees and about 3-4 acres of field. I call it the 'Squirrel Park" where I take them after 8 PM or at dawn on Saturday and Sundays: Bob Wilson
Our shiba was sprawling by our outside table at the coffee shop; he reminded me of something: Chase's World
Our pup's getting on, about 14 now. We're his third humans (always in the family); he's been with us must be a decade now.
Thinking about a third bath today for one of our pups. He spent the morning playing with Pepe LePew. I don't really notice as I lost a fair amount of sense of smell after a head injury, but he apparently reeks..;\ Kris
Our boxer does not get unsupervised play time, because she's addicted to shrooms and they make her sick. We have a large fenced yard that's 'hers' and also (so far) skunk-free. She delights in chasing squirrels and birds - so she gets 'nearly' enough play time - for a boxer. (IYKYK.)
With scrubbing and lots of Nature's Miracle skunk deodorizing bath, got dog mostly clean late yesterday afternoon. Let dog out at 10 p.m. Heard lots of barking. Skunked again. Kris
In the old days, we tried tomato juice. The grocery store heavily discounted expired big cans of it. My brother's dog, who slept with him, encountered a skunk just outside our bedroom window, of a very old very drafty house without any meaningful infiltration barrier. Prevailing breezes entered the house on the bedroom side. Our room became intolerable in a couple minutes. Another time, the same dog corned a skunk sheltering in the basement (someone left the door open) next to the furnace, which had an ineffective air return system and made up for it by sucking in large volumes of basement air. The entire house became intolerable within 30 seconds. Though thanks to its extremely high ACH (air changes per hour), it returned to livability in about ten minutes. One of those times, the dog's tomato juice bath was hasty and under-effective. At school the next day, my brother had a quite noticeable eau de skunk. That dog loved toweling, so would intentionally get dirty or wet in order to get it.
Skunks are not to be trifled with. A cousin of mine told be a story about his neighbor who has a skunk problem in his suburban yard and was compelled to call a 'pest control expert.' The 'technician' set a trap, and immediately caught the first one - earning a removal fee. Being as this happened in my beloved home state of Indiana, I presume it was a 'collection and disposal' fee. When the second skunk was caught, my cousin's friend figured that he would save some money by emptying the trap himself with the predictable results. Skunks can ACCURATELY spray their would-be tormentors from >20 feet! The trick (I'm told) is to get them into a trap where they cannot raise their tail. I cannot vouch for this from personal experience. MY last infestation (which prompted the above cautionary tale from my cousin) led me to try a product from Colt's Manufacturing Company - but I didn't get to use that method either. My infestation problem was solved by a neighbor's Hyundai.
Saw this encounter between a skunk and a big is on "X", but it is actually from a TV News Channel 12 report from Portland OR. It is only about seven seconds.. Kris
Skunks and kitty cats...... an enduring love story. I see Elon got around to changing the URL for "formerly known as..."
Relatives visiting long ago, brought along their pet skunk. De-odorized. Sweet as a cat, even named Sweet Pea, walked on a leash like a small dog. Schoolmates astonished to see them walking it along Main St in town, so I filled them in on the backstory. Dang, that breaks my excuse for referring to it as "the company still using the URL ...".