Hello Everyone, I joined this community in hopes of someday locating and buying a used and well maintained Prius for sale in Florida. I'm located north of West Palm Beach (Stuart, FL). I'd like to find one sometime before September as I'll be going on a road trip to Arkansas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how to approach potentially finding one for sale through this forum. My budget is $7,500.00. I would want to have a pre-purchase inspection done by a professional. Thank you, Zach B
That Price point would get a Gen 2. 2008 or 2009 model about 112k miles...look for SKS non cracked dash panels , never smoked in. Dealership records and one that has has the invertor pump replaced with OEM
In your shoes I'd probably start by looking at the Tampa Hybrids inventory. Might be casing them a while to find one in your price range, but they are a reputable rebuilder. Plenty of other people get the $7k car only to find that it needs $4k worth of work on day one, so be careful.
if you aren't a serious diy'er, i'd go with a corolla or similar non hybrid, easy and (relatively) cheap to repair by any mechanic.