When I ordered my Prius (which may someday materialize) back in November, the only option packages available in New England according to my dealer and Toyota's official website (prius.com) were #3/AF, #5/AI, and #9/BC. Prius.com now lists the available packages in New England as Base (not even rear wiper), #5/AI, #6/BI, #7/AM, and #9/BC. So that would mean, if true, no more #3/AF and the addition of the base package, #6/BI, and #7/AM. All along I have wanted package #7/AM for all of its safety features, so maybe now it may be available here. I haven't confirmed this with my dealer yet, but hopefully I will be changing my "order" from #3/AF to #7/AM. :icecream:
While I have nothing to add with information, I will say that you found a great use for the mutant ice cream cone :rofl: I still don't know what the hell that thing's supposed to be there for
Good choice. The SE&S alone is worth it. When I "ordered" my AM, I also interpreted option 7 as the "safety" package. I don't know what it's like to drive a non-VSC pri, but mine handles extremely well. This morning I had to deal with fog on my way in to work, and the lights seemed to help quite a bit too...both lighting systems...
I live south of Boston and just ordered a #7 AM package on Sat. So yes Virginia there is now a #7 availble for us New England folks. :lol: