The yellow check engine light came on...then the check ev system in yellow. Then a bunch of light and it won't start. Someone ran a code machine and it cited the H20 pump? Is there a system / battery shut down that overrides the car and keeps it from starting?
Technically there are many. Somebody is going to have to connect to the onboard diagnostic system and ask the car what it thinks is preventing the car from going into READY mode. You can get inexpensive bluetooth devices and smartphone apps that can do this on your own. Some are better than others. There is a thread on this board with details, but I do not keep current on the results.
Probably the hybrid battery if it has not been replaced. Or maybe the inverter, i suspect 1 of the 2.
I tell everyone to pay attention to the calendar rather than the odometer. The normal range for a Prius is all the miles you can drive in about 15 years. A few only go 12 and a very few make it past 20.
Our outstanding 2015 was totaled last week. Now looking for a used 2015. Don't like the styling changes since. Seems there are a few around. Insurance will pay. Thanks!
If I'm reading your code result correctly, then the car will not start if the water pump has failed. You can probably override it by having a mechanic reset the code, or maybe even by disconnecting the battery for a few seconds. But I wouldn't do it. It will just shut down again when the coolant reaches a certain temperature, and you risk damaging the engine. It's probably close to $1000.00 to replace the pump. I would get a second code reading to confirm, and then decide if you want to make the investment.
It had me confused at first. Was thinking "is that some kind of new code I haven't seen before?". Then it hit me "Water Pump!" Maybe its something entirely different, but figured I would offer my two cents just in case.