Hi I have a Prius 2nd gen 2007 I have just replaced the battery, one of the cell of the battery was not working. Then I got this displaying on my dashboard after 3 week and the only code showing up is C1310 (Active Booster Solenoid/ HV System Malfunction) I don't know what that means and how I am suppose to fix that. Car sounds about right when driving it however should I even drive it? I don't know how to fix this any recommendation?
C1310 doesn't mean "Active Booster Solenoid" at all in a Prius. (All C1 codes are manufacturer-defined, not industry standard, and they can mean different things in different cars.) "HV System Malfunction" is the right fortune cookie for a Prius. Whatever showed you the weird combination of meanings was just some generic tool trying to cover all the bases. The Prius C1310 "HV System Malfunction" just means that the skid ECU has been notified of some trouble code present in the HV control ECU. The C1310 doesn't tell you any more about the actual problem than that; you have to go read the code(s) from the HV control ECU to learn what's really going on. If the C1310 is the only code you're seeing, then the scan tool you're using isn't capable of getting the code(s) from the HV control ECU, and a better scan tool will be needed to get those. (Or, a visit to somebody who has a better scan tool and can get those.)